Where I Will Meet With Thee, Ex 25:22

Where I Will Meet With Thee Ex 25:22 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord gave Moses three specific places where he would meet with him, the priests or the children of Israel.  These three places typify where the Lord meets with us.  I know that the Lord is in you if...

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Deadly Sins, Lev 24:10-16

Deadly Sins Lev 24:10-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO While the laws of man have certainly changed over time, God’s attitude toward sins that are now legal has not changed. We are going to study deadly sins today just as a reminder of what God thinks about sins that are not only...

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The Lord Is Not Among You, Num 14:42

The Lord Is Not Among You Num-14:42 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage, the spies have returned from Canaan and 10 of the 12 of them talked the people out of following the Lord into Canaan.  After the people refused to go, the Lord pronounced that all of the men...

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Walk After The Spirit of God, Rom 8:1-14

In Rom 8:1-14, how is it that we can walk after the Spirit?  A person who is not saved or who is walking after the flesh wouldn’t even understand how to walk after the Spirit.  But when you’re saved you can understand because you are now no longer just a...

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Husbandmen in The Vineyard, Matt 21:33-43

This sermon from the parable of the husbandmen in the vineyard is a great encouragement for us to bring forth fruit to the Lord from his vineyard.  We’ll start this sermon with an explanation of the details in the parable. The householder is God.  The vineyard is the Kingdom of...

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Abraham Typifies a Christian, Rom 4:1-13

This is a lesson on Abraham as a type of New Testament Christian.  Abraham typifies a Christian.  Before we get into this study, though, I refer you to two studies on Rom 4 taught in Sunday school.  They are the lesson on Imputed Righteousness and the lesson on Comparing Abraham’s...

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Rooted and Grounded, Eph 3:17

Rooted and Grounded Eph 3:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Eph 3:17 says, “That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love…”  And then the thought continues into the next verse.  Today we are going to talk about being rooted and grounded.  We are...

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What is Acceptable, Prov 10:32

What is Acceptable Prov. 10:32 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Prov 10:32 says, “The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable…”  It’s like the righteous have a filter between their brain and their mouth that governs what comes out of their mouth.  Today we want to talk about what is acceptable...

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Death Bed Salvation, Ps 116:3-4

Ps 116:3-4 describes a person who turns to the Lord in what is commonly called “death bed” salvation or a “death bed” conversion.  Some people will wait till the end of their lives to call upon the Lord.  This text explains what causes them to finally come to the Lord....

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Under Authority, Heb 13:17

Authority Heb. 13:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO of Under Authority According to Heb 13:17 we are to obey them that have the rule over us, that they may do it with joy and not with grief.  It is a grief to have an unruly child, for instance.  We are under authority in...

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