Perfect Peace, Is 26:3

“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee”, Is 26:3. There are three parts to this verse that we need to understand and apply in order to have perfect peace. The first part is the objective, which is for God...

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The Storms of Life, Ps 107:23-30

This sermon is about the storms of life.  We are going to look at a passage in the Old Testament to see what seafarers do in storms and then we’re going to see two storms in the New Testament.  We’ll comment on the storms to understand what happens to us...

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Why God Chose Abraham, Gen 12:1

Before going into a study of Abraham’s typology, we should understand why God chose Abraham.  Why does God even have a chosen people on earth?  The reason God chose Abraham is this. God’s eternal plan was to become incarnate.  So, he chose a man from whom his seed would come. ...

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Living Water, Jn 4:10-14

Living Water Jn. 4:10-14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Getting saved is like taking a drink of living water [Jn 4:10-14].  It’s that easy.  And it’s that lasting.  Jesus said, after a drink of living water, you will never thirst again [Matt 5:6].  When you get saved, your spiritual thirst will be...

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Worship of an Ox, Ps 106:20

Worship of An Ox Ps. 106:20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When Aaron made the golden calf, Israel changed their glory into the similitude of an ox that eateth grass.  It is amazing that they would change the glory of God into the worship of an ox when you consider, first, the...

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Watch and Pray, Matt 26:41

In Matt 26:41, the Lord’s instruction to his disciples in the garden of Gethsemane was not just to pray, but to watch and pray.  This watch is like a sentry on watch.  So, like a sentry, we need to be ready to respond to any situation with prayer no matter...

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To Parents, Prov 1:8

To Parents Prov. 1:8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have spoken in the prior broadcasts to young ladies and to young men.  Now we are going to preach to parents.  There are many wise things we can see in the Bible and that we can apply from life that will help...

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To Young Men, Titus 2:2-6

To Young Men Titus 2:2-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the prior broadcast we spoke to young ladies and their parents and today we will speak to young men and their parents.  Paul gave Titus some excellent doctrine concerning the behavior and deportment of the aged men in Titus 2:2.  Then...

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To Young Ladies, Titus 2:4-5

To Young Ladies Titus 2:4-5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is a sermon directly to young ladies and the parents of young ladies.  This lesson ought to be taught by the aged women according to Titus 2.  However, these days it seems that the aged women need to be taught the...

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Flourish in the House of the Lord, Ps 92:13-14

This morning we learned that the righteous shall flourish as the palm tree. Tonight we will learn that we flourish in the house of the Lord. To flourish is to thrive, prosper, produce, and reach a height of development.  The palm tree is a perfect illustration of the righteous flourishing...

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