The Righteous Shall Flourish, Ps 92:12-14

In Ps 92:12-14, three times we find the word flourish or flourishing in relation to the righteous and those planted in the house of the Lord.  The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree. Flourish is to grow luxuriantly; to thrive; to achieve success; to prosper; to be in a...

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Nimrod a Type of Antichrist, Gen 10:6-11

We have been studying the Old Testament by types.  Thus far, we have studied Adam, Cain and Abel, Enoch, and Noah.  What we have learned from them is this, among other things: Everyone of us was born with Adam’s nature and, thus, we will deal with sin in our lives...

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The God of Monotheistic Religions, Jn 1:1

The God of Monotheistic Religions Jn 1:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Many people profess that the major monotheistic religions of the world all believe in the same God.  However, a little bit of Bible study will reveal to you that they do not worship the same God.  Many of the media...

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De-evolution, Ps 102:25-27

De-evolution Ps. 102: 25-27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The things that have been created will perish.  That is de-evolution.  Things are not improving and becoming more organized.  Things are getting worse.  Evolution is science falsely so called.  Notice the de-evolution of the following: Angels – Job 38:7 – the angels [sons...

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Rottenness, Prov 12:4

Rottenness Prov.12:4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are several things that will cause rottenness in the Bible.  Rottenness is caused by: A Bad Wife – Prov 12:4 – don’t be bad wife and don’t choose a bad wife.  She makes her husband ashamed.  There is a greater problem here.  The church...

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What Nevertheless Emphasizes, Rev. 2:4

Nevertheless Rev. 2:4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the epistles and the Revelation you will see the word nevertheless 20 times.  Often when you see that word God is going to show you something good in spite of something bad.  Nevertheless interrupts the current train of thought in a verse or...

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Provisions for Select People, Prov 3:32-35

In Proverbs 3:32-35, Solomon mentions some very select provisions from the Lord given to select people.  You see these provisions for the following select people:  His secret is for the righteous – Prov 3:32 – “His secret is with the righteous.”  In Deut 29:29 “The secret things belong unto the...

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What to do When You Hit the Wall

What to do When You Hit the Wall (Psalm 77:1-20)  In this sermon we will use this Psalm of Asaph to look at what we can do when we hit a wall. Most of our lives are built on the future in some way. There is always something that we...

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The Blood that Speaks

The Blood that Speaks (Hebrews 12:22-24) The passage in Hebrews is dealing with things that are in heaven. One of the things referred to is the blood of sprinkling. This blood is said to speak better things than the blood of Abel. In this sermon we are going to look...

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All Flesh is as Grass

All Flesh is as Grass (Isaiah 40:6-8 ; 1 Peter 1:24-25) In this lesson we are looking at a type mentioned several times in the Bible, this type is comparing man to grass. Growing grass or having a lawn requires work. When we think about ourselves as servants of the...

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