David’s Character, 1 Sam 16:18

1 Sam 16:18 David’s Character CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage of scripture, we see some of David’s traits that reveal the composition and depth of his character.  David was: An Astute Man – cunning in playing.  It is more than talent that gave David the ability to play...

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Guard Against These

Guard Against These Pleasing man. Jn 12:43, 1 Thes 2:4, Gal 1:10. Why even worry about making friends by being a man pleaser.  Men are very hard to please because you aren’t ever certain what it’s going to take to keep them happy.  When you are a man-pleaser, you aren’t...

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Believe the Word, 2 Thes 2:9-12

We are to believe the word of God.  That’s what God expects us to do.  He wants us to believe what he said. What the Bible says about sin we are to believe.  What the Bible says about righteousness and salvation, we are to believe.  Believe the word.  Believe what...

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Aged Men Titus 2:2

Introduction: Titus was the pastor of the church in Crete. Titus was sent unto Dalmatia according to II Timothy 4:10 and II Corinthians 7:6-7. Titus was Paul’s “partner and fellow helper concerning you” II Corinthians 8:23. Paul was showing Titus the things that he needed to be (Titus 2:7 “shewing...

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Peace and Safety, 1 Thes 5:1-3

1 Thes 5:3 says, “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them”.  The Jews say that they want peace and the Arab nations and Palestinians say that they want peace.  But the Lord said that when they can finally say, “Peace and safety”, as...

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Local Church Activities, Eph 3:21

Local Church Activities Eph. 3:21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are three main local church activities in which every church should be involved.  And these three should be balanced.  Every true local church should glorify God, edify saints and evangelize sinners. Glorify God – Eph 3:20-21; Rom 15:6 This primarily...

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Strength in Weakness, 1 Cor 1:25

Strength in Weakness 1 Cor. 1:25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this society where physical strength is worshipped, where mental strength is handsomely compensated, where, to some degree, moral strength is still admired, where financial strength is craved and praised, and where the apparent confidence of strength is flaunted, you might...

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Wisdom Leads, Prov 8:20

Wisdom Leads Prov. 8:20  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Wisdom leads “in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of judgment,” [Prov 8:20].  When I read that verse, it strikes me that people who need wisdom often don’t find it because they are not where wisdom leads.  Wisdom...

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