The Long Term Consequences of Sin, Gal 6:8

The Long Term Consequences of Sin Gal 6:8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You need to be able to see the long term consequences of sin.  You need to look beyond the immediate pleasure and you also need to look beyond the immediate consequences [like a hangover].  You need to look all...

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The Decline of Our Country, 1 Kings 12:16

The Decline of Our Country 1 Kings 12:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Israel started out as a country established on the truth of God’s words.  Likewise, the USA was established on God’s truth.  As Israel fell away from God and his truth, the Lord backed away from them until they were...

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Holy Spirit as Water, Jn 7:38-39

The Bible often uses metaphors to communicate spiritual truths.  In Jn 7:38-39, we see the Holy Spirit likened to water.  When you study the properties of water, you learn more about the Holy Spirit.  For starters, water typifies the Trinity.  The triple point of water at .01 degree C and...

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The Principle of Sowing, 2 Cor 9:6-11

There is a principle of sowing, firmly established in the Bible.  Certainly, we see this principle of sowing in nature and it was clearly understood in rural societies.  Families that have to farm to produce their food understand the principle of sowing.  Each seed that you plant produces many seeds,...

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Israel’s Government

Israel’s government.  They are a kingdom to be ruled by a king. Initially, Israel was governed by the Lord, himself.  God chose Moses to lead them out of Egypt, Acts 7:30-36.  While in the wilderness, God gave them his commandments, Ex 19-20.  Then in Num 11:16-17 the Lord gave Moses...

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A Prosperous and Successful Life

Joshua 1:8  What are some things the world does in order to have a prosperous and successful life? They cheat, lie, slander, step on and over people,  Introduction: In this verse of scripture we see the LORD speaking to Joshua regarding the nation of Israel in vs 1. With that...

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World Peace, Luke 2:14

 World Peace Lk 2:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Many people are praying for world peace. Many others are looking for world peace. There are 3 things missing for world peace. During this season, people often quote or misquote, as the case may be, the verse found in Lk. 2:14, which says,...

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Biblical Predestination, Rom 8:29

Biblical Predestination Rom 8:29 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You have to check the context of every verse dealing with predestination to see what the verse is referring to.  Those who believe that we are predestined to salvation believe that you must be born again BEFORE you can believe on the Lord...

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Romans 9 and Calvinism

Romans 9 and Calvinism CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson is a refutation of Calvinism as supposedly found in Romans 9.  Rom 9:11 mentions the purpose of God according to election.  Unconditional election is one of the five points of Calvinism.  Calvinism is a doctrine that teaches, among other things, that...

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The Practical living of a Christian

Ephesians 6:18-24  Introduction: In our last lesson, we saw the armor of a Christian Soldier. In this passage of scripture, Paul has written down his closing remarks to the Ephesians. If you notice, Paul makes some practical statements regarding his Christian life, which are examples of a Christian soldier, for...

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