Youth, Aging, and Wise Words, Ecc 12:1-14

Youth, Aging and Death Youth, Ecc 12:1 Remembering your Creator in the days of your youth is essential. Yet, every attempt has been made in our society to talk youth out of believing that God is the creator.  The condition of our society is evidence that youth do not retain...

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How to Deal with Trouble

Trouble: that which causes concern or distress.  Introduction: The Bible has a lot to say regarding the troubles of life. Troubles come in all shapes and sizes, in all places, and to all people. The troubles of life are inevitable and often come when you’re not ready for them or...

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Fulfilled Prophecy, Is 48:3

Fulfilled Prophecy Is 48:3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Two of the distinguishing characteristics of the Bible are prophecy and fulfilled prophecy.  Is 48:3 is a profound passage wherein God declares the former things and then brings them to pass.  See also Is 46:9-10, Is 42:8-9.  Only the God of the...

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Some Problems With Idolatry, Jud 18:1-31

Jud 18:1-31 Some Problems with Idolatry CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Idolatry, in and of itself, is unlawful [Exodus 20:4-6] and consequential in that it continues through successive generations and incurs the wrath of God.  In this passage, the idolatry of Micah gets transferred to the Danites and ultimately leads to their downfall...

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Pray for Others, 1 Sam 12:23

Pray for Others 1 Sam. 12:23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO As a judge in Israel, Samuel considered the failure to pray for others in Israel a sin.  Samuel said, “God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you…” [1 Sam 12:23].  Perhaps, it is not...

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Walk as Children of Light

Ephesians 5:8-14 Introduction: In this passage of scripture, we are told that we should walk as a child of light. At some point, we were all in darkness however, we are now in the light and should walk like it. Jesus has shown us light and made us light.  ...

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Saul’s Spiritual Character Flaws, 1 Sam 13:11-16

1 Sam 13:11-16 Saul’s Spiritual Character Flaws CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Saul did something very foolish when he offered a burnt offering.  His foolish decision revealed some spiritual flaws in his character that plagued him for the rest of his life.  These flaws were that: He knew what he was doing was...

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Truth is Fallen, Is 59:14

Truth is Fallen Is 59:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Is 59:14 says, And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.  We have seen this verse fulfilled in our own country.  Except for places like a Bible believing preacher’s pulpit, you will...

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Out of Egypt I Have Called My Son

Out of Egypt I Have Called My Son (Matthew 2:1-13)  The visit of the wise men give us a great example of how God can use unusual circumstances along with unusual people to accomplish his plan. In this sermon we will look at how God fulfilled his word not only...

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God Will Judge You, Ecc 11:9

In Ecc 11:9 God will bring everything about you into judgment when God will judge you.  God will judge: What you do, Ecc 12:14.  God will judge how you did it, why you did it, when you did it, as in 1 Cor 3:11-15 and Col 3:23-25.  See 2 Cor...

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