Favor By Seeking Good, Prov 11:27

This sermon is about obtaining favor by seeking good. I have been preaching a series on favor with God.  We began this series by seeing that favor with God is one of the most notable characteristics of some of the most outstanding people in the Bible.  Jesus, Mary, David, Daniel,...

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The Mercy of God, Titus 3:5

The Mercy of God Titus 3:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson, we will expound on the mercy of God.  God is merciful to save us from our sins.  But God wasn’t merciful with us so that we would go on living in our sin.  His mercy is not some...

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Obedient Children

Ephesians 6:1-4  Introduction: In this passage of scripture we see good instruction for children and parents. Part of the reason why children and parents have problems today is because we don’t believe or obey what the Bible says. Children and parents alike are to walk under God’s authority.  1.Children are...

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Dreams That Never Come True, Is 29:7-8

Dreams That Never Come True Is. 29:7-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I heard a message over 25 years ago titled, Dreams That Never Come True.  I found the outline in my Bible and so I am going to preach it for you today.  Dreams in the Bible often come true.  The...

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Thanksgiving Offering, Lev 7:11-15

Thanksgiving Offering Lev. 7:11-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We’re studying the thanksgiving offering in this broadcast. Lev 7:11-15 contains the first mention of anything to do with thanks in the Bible.  By studying this passage we can learn much about thanksgiving and what it entails. The thanksgiving offering is a peace...

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How To Make A Change, Eph 4:22-24

Many people make resolutions at this time of year.  But frequently the resolutions only last a month or two.  Then you are back to your old ways.  This text shows you how to make a resolution stick, how to make a change that lasts. Put Off – the former conversation...

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Our Body is A Tabernacle, 2 Cor 5:1-4

Our body is a tabernacle.  And our tabernacle is comparable to the tabernacle the Jews had in the wilderness. 2 Cor 5:1 “Our earthly house of this tabernacle”.  As the tabernacle in the wilderness was earthly and temporary, and the one in heaven eternal, so our body is earthly and...

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Resolutions, Luke 16:1-8

Resolutions Luke 16: 1-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord commended the unjust steward for his wisdom even though he was unjust.  The Lord said that he was wiser than the children of light.  Among other things, his wisdom was demonstrated in that he said, “I am resolved what to do”...

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Favor By Understanding, Prov 13:15

On Wednesdays, recently, I have been preaching on favor with God.  Initially, we saw that we have favor by righteousness.  And then, with God, we have favor by mercy and truth.  Last week, we saw that we have favor with God by wisdom.  And today, we see in Prov 13:15,...

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