You Can Face Condemnation, Rom 8:1

According to Jn 5:24, Jesus Christ said of every saved person, he “hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation.”  That is a tremendous promise.  You see, before a person is saved, he is “condemned already,” [Jn 3:18].  According to Jn 3:36, he “shall not see life; but the...

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After the Reviving, Ezra 9:9

This message on After the Reviving starts in Ezra 9. Ezra 9:9 is in the middle of Ezra’s prayer to God after hearing that the people of Israel had not separated themselves from the people of the lands around them, like they had been commanded to do.  They had married...

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Anguish, Anxiety and Assurance, Ps 5:3

Anguish Anxiety and Assurance Ps.5:3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Today we’re going to discuss three things that can deeply affect your walk with God: anguish, anxiety and assurance.  Two of these negatively affect your relationship to the Lord and one of these positively affects your relationship to Him.  Can you...

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Ye Serve The Lord, Col 3:23-24

In Col 3:24 we read, “ye serve the Lord Christ”.  With the upcoming Preachers Conference, many of us have been serving to prepare for the conference and many more will be serving during the conference. It is helpful to see from this passage some words from the Lord that will...

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Surety For The Lad, Gen 44:30-34

Our text for this sermon is Gen 44: 30–34. In this passage, Judah said to Joseph about Benjamin, “for thy servant became surety for the lad onto my father, saying, If I bring him not onto thee, then I shall bear the blame to my father forever”. Then in verse...

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Things That Are Better, Ecc 4:1-16

In Ecc 4:1-16, Solomon, by observation, shows us some things that are better under the sun. Ecc 4:1-3 In oppression, the dead are better than the living.  In countries where the people are oppressed, it is better to die than to keep living.  In North Korea, for example, the people...

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Church Attendance, Heb 10:25

Church Attendance Heb. 10:25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Why should I be concerned with church attendance?  Because God says so, for one thing. The Bible gives us clear instruction on the necessity for church attendance.  The following are some of the most important reasons for attending a good church. For...

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A Good Church

A Good Local Church CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What should I look for in a good church?  To organize the answer to this question practically, we have divided the answer into several sub-questions that you can ask concerning any church you visit or attend.  These questions and answers are not intended...

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