Our Church Body, Eph 4:11-16

When we studied Local Church in Bible College there was an emphasis on the differences between the Local Church and the Body of Christ. Most notably, I remember learning that the Church is an organism and the Local Church is an organization. I have since come to believe that the...

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Things Set Against Each Other, Ecc 7:11-18

Ecc 7:11-18 shows us three things set against each other, that, when considered together, give us wisdom under the sun. Wisdom and Money are Set Against Each Other, v.11-12 Solomon wrote, “Wisdom is good with an inheritance”.  In Ecc 2:18-19 his heir would need wisdom to properly manage what he...

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The Thief on the Cross Believed, Lk 23:39-43

The Thief on the Cross Believed Lk 23:39-43 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO People offer a lot of excuses for why they can’t believe on Jesus.  However, you can believe on Jesus; the thief on the cross believed.  And if he did surely you can.  The thief on the crossbelieved in spite...

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How to Make a Decision, Joel 3:14

How to Make a Decision Joel 3:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We realize that this verse applies doctrinally to the 2nd Advent.  However, it brings us to the point of this sermon which is how to make a decision.  I am asked consistently in the ministry, “What do I do?”  Multitudes...

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Try My Reins, Ps 26:2

Ps 26:2 says, Examine me, O Lord, and prove me; try my reins and my heart.  We understand why the Lord should try our hearts.  But why would I want the Lord to try my reins? Try My Reins The reins are the kidneys; the region of the kidneys, the loins, or the...

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Why Men Refuse Wisdom, Prov 8:1-36

Why Men Refuse Wisdom Prov 8:1-36 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to Proverbs 8:1-6, wisdom is pervasive in that it speaks in multiple public places where it could not possibly be missed.  Wisdom calls out to all men, even to the simple and to fools.  Wisdom welcomes any audience and gives...

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Confessing Sins Publicly, Jas 5:16

Confessing Sins Publicly Jas. 5:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There is a popular practice among Christians involving confessing sins to each other or before the congregation.  We have seen this or heard about it in autobiographies, charismatic “revival” meetings, walks to Emmaus, and fundamental churches.  Undoubtedly, people are confessing sins...

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What Sin Is, 1 Jn 3:4

 What Sin Is I Jn. 3-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible is very clear on the subject of what sin is.  You do not have to guess what sin is.  The Lord tells you explicitly.  Just look at these verses.  Sin is: Breaking the law – “Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth...

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Church Planting, Acts 14:23

This sermon is about the pattern for church planting that we find in the Bible. The church began in Jerusalem, which you can clearly see in Acts 2:41-47. Following the stoning of Stephen and the havoc of Paul’s persecutions, the saints scattered abroad, Acts 8:1-4.  Many of them ended up...

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Doing the Will of God

This sermon is about doing the will of God.  As we follow Jesus, we use remember that he said, I come to do thy will, Heb 10:7, 9.  The will of God was so important to Jesus Christ that he found it even before he was a teenager and went...

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