What Profit Is In Your Labour, Ecc 1:3

Our text for this study is Ecc 1:3, “What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun”?   We are embarking on a study of some key passages in the Book of Ecclesiastes, of which this is the first. Ecclesiastes was written by Solomon,...

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Nothing Between, 2 Cor 6 :14-18

Nothing Between 2 Cor. 6 :14-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There should be nothing between you and the Lord that negatively affects your relationship with him. But often we let things get between us and the Lord.  Nothing between includes: Friends – 2 Cor 6:14-18; Prov 13:20 – if you...

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Dual Authority, Jn 12:48

Dual Authority Jn. 12:48 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What is Dual Authority?  It is having two separate authorities upon which to base a belief.  You see, concerning God’s words, Jesus never left any doubt about the question of authority.  He affirmed that God’s words were the absolute and final authority for...

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How We Should Pray, Ps 86:1-3

In Psalm 86 David teaches us three very important things about how we should pray.  We should: Pray Humbly – Ps 86:1, “for I am poor and needy”. By comparison to other kings, David was a wealthy man.  He laid up great wealth for the construction of the temple, 1...

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We Should Bring Forth Fruit Unto God, Rom 7:4

We Should Bring Forth Fruit Unto God Rom. 7:4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When we get saved we should bring forth fruit unto God according to Rom 7:4. We know from reading Jn 15:1-16 that the Lord expects us to bring forth fruit as branches on the vine of Jesus Christ. ...

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The Unpardonable Sin, Mk 3:29-30

The Unpardonable Sin Mk 3:29-30 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The unpardonable sin is “the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost,” (Matt 12:31).  The reason that it is called the unpardonable sin is that Jesus said, “He that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation,”...

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Memorials, Acts 7:57-60

Memorials Acts 7: 57-60 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Memorial Day is a day for us to remember those who died while serving in our country’s armed forces.  In general, people still have great regard for those who serve our country in the armed forces.  We have seen, at several graduations,...

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Secretly, 2 Ki 17:9

I’ve been praying about how folks that we have ministered to can get so far off track after seeming to do so well in their early years.  Tonight we’re going to look at one area in your life that needs to be addressed, if you don’t want this to happen...

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Your Work of Faith, 1 Thes 1:3

This sermon is on your work of faith, 1 Thes 1:3.  To understand your work of faith, we must first understand what faith is and how it works. Faith is belief. You must have something to believe in.  Athletes believe in themselves.  Christians believe in Jesus Christ.  Agnostics and atheists...

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Faith, Meekness, Temperance, Gal 5:22-23

We have been studying the fruit of the Spirit in Gal 5:22-23.  Today, we are going to discuss faith, meekness, and temperance.  Remember that these are not independent of each other.  We’re not talking about fruits, plural, but rather a singular fruit of the Spirit manifested in nine different qualities....

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