A Vessel Unto Honour, 2 Tim 2:20-21

A Vessel Unto Honour 2 Tim. 2:20-21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord wants us each to be a vessel unto honour.  A vessel unto honour is a: Separated Vessel – “purge himself from these.” He is to purge himself from profane and vain babblings [2 Tim 2:16] , false teachers...

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If You Are A Follower, Eph 5:1

If you are a follower you will be one of these.  A follower is one that follows the opinions or teachings of another.  One that imitates another.  Or one who subscribes to a feed especially on social media. To protect yourself as a follower, you first need to recognize that...

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All Things New, Rev 21:5

In Rev 21:5 the Lord says, “Behold, I make all things new”.  This statement is an interesting contrast to the study of Ecclesiastes, in which Solomon wrote, “there is no new thing under the sun”, Ecc 1:9. No new thing is in direct contrast to all things new.  In Rev...

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Life Lessons, Ecc 1:4-11

In Ecc 1:4-11, Solomon wrote about life lessons that he learned from living, observing, experiencing, and studying history.  His conclusions are profound. Lessons from Life – Ecc 1:4.  Life is always followed by death under the sun.  “Passeth away” is the expression we use today.  We say, “he passed away”,...

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Six Things Saved People Should Do, Matt 4:4

Six Things Saved People Should Do Matt. 4:4  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What should I do now that I’m saved?  There are six things saved people should do. One of the hardest times in your Christian life is right after you get saved.  Your enemies fight hard to keep you...

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Be Not Troubled, Matt 24:6-8

The Christian life is not trouble free.  Even Jesus was troubled in Jn 11:33 when he saw Mary, Martha and others mourning over the death of Lazarus; in Jn 12:27 when he approached the hour of his death; and in Jn 13:21 when he announced that one of the disciples...

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Seven Times, 1 Ki 18:43

This sermon is on some verses in the Bible where we find the phrase “seven times”.  These passages teach us to: Keep praying if at first you don’t get an answer.  Elijah prayed for rain while his servant went to look toward the sea seven times till the rain came,...

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Spiritual Depression, III, 2 Cor 10:5

Spiritual depression, as we have seen in the two prior broadcasts, has its roots in several spiritual problems, which can include the fear of man, guilt and shame, bitterness and anger, pride, lust, loneliness, and grief.  And there are spiritual remedies to each of these problems that can result in...

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Spiritual Depression, II, Prov 16:18

We began a short series on spiritual depression in the prior broadcast.  Today, we will continue to study some Biblical reasons for and solutions to spiritual depression.   In many cases, depression is something you can address spiritually rather than chemically, through anti-depressants.  You can often make changes in your...

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Spiritual Depression, 1 Ki 19:4

In many cases, depression is something you can address spiritually and practically rather than chemically, through anti-depressants.  You can often make changes in your spiritual life that will improve your emotional and mental health.  Furthermore, if depression is exacerbated by your lifestyle and diet, you can make the necessary lifestyle...

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