Honour the Son, Jn 5:17-23

Honour the Son John 5:17-23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Pharisees wanted to kill Jesus because he had broken the Sabbath and because he claimed to be God‘s Son. Jesus had shown them that he hadn’t broken the Sabbath, but they accused him anyway. The point is that all men should...

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Healed On the Sabbath, Jn 5:1-16

Healed on the Sabbath John 5: 1-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This passage shows the legalism that was in the Pharisees’ minds that would cause them to be legalistic about their own method of doing things.  When Jesus shows up and performs miracles, all they can think about is destroying him...

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Dealing With Temptation – The Whole Armor of God

The Whole Armour of God Eph 6:10-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I don’t want to go further in our study of the devil’s work in temptation without dealing with the subject of the whole armor of God.  Too much attention to the devil all at one time is not a good...

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Have To See Signs, Jn 4:45-54

Gotta See a Sign John 4:45-54 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This broadcast shows you the fallacy of requiring signs in order to believe the Lord.  Signs are a problem for people today because: People only want his miraculous provision – The Galileans received Jesus because they saw his miracles in Jerusalem....

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A Prophet Without Honour, Jn 4:43-44

A Prophet Without Honour John 4:43-44 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A PROPHET WITHOUT HONOUR It is strange that the very people that Jesus came to save (Matt.15:24) are the ones who refused to give him the honour due him.  It is also true in history that the prophets were maligned for...

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How To Win Souls, Jn 4:39-42

Two Ways To Win Them John 4:39-42 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This broadcast will give you help on how to win souls.  When the woman at the well went to tell the townspeople about Jesus, they believed her because of two things: Her personal testimony – She gave her personal testimony...

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The Success of Joseph

The Sucess of Joseph Gen. 39 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Joseph is the greatest type of Christ in the Bible.  As Christians, we are constantly being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit in us.  Therefore, since Joseph was a type of Christ, we ought to be...

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The Harvest, Jn 4:35-38

The Harvest John 4:35-38 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Why are we supposed to enter the Harvest? Because of the wages (John 4:36) – The work is hard, and God wants you to have the rewards of your labor.  Matt 20:1-13 describes God’s pay rate.  In Lk 19, the parable of the...

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Discipleship Lesson #8 Local Church

Discipleship Lesson #8 Church CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What is the church? The church is the body of Jesus Christ according to Romans 12:4-5 & Ephesians 5:30.  A person becomes a member of the body of Christ when he or she receives God’s righteousness by faith in the Lord Jesus...

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