Children As Arrows
Psalm 127: 4 Children As Arrows CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon from Ps 127:4 compares children to arrows. By studying the metaphor, you can learn how to rear children who turn out straight as an arrow.
Psalm 127: 4 Children As Arrows CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon from Ps 127:4 compares children to arrows. By studying the metaphor, you can learn how to rear children who turn out straight as an arrow.
1 Thess. 5: 23-28 Spirit, Soul and Body CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Text: 1 Thes 5:23-28. We have taught a good bit on this subject and so we are not going to simply repeat what we have already taught. Rather, we will make brief comments on the latter part of the...
Isaiah 33: 17-22 The Lord’s Government CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Text: Is 33:22 – In our government we have three branches: the judicial, the legislative, and the executive. And these are separate in order to maintain a balance of power. In God’s there are three branches, as well, and yet these...
Now that you are saved you are righteous – so as a righteous saint of God you are to flourish like the palm tree – why would the Lord compare you to a palm tree? And what can we learn from our comparison to a palm tree that might help...
Bro. Tony Acts 16: 25 Why Do We Sing and Praise God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is a sermon on the reasons we sing and praise God in our lives. It is from Acts 16:25 where Paul and Silas sang praises to the Lrd when they were locked up in...
Amon’s Folly II Samuel 13: 1-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Text: 2 Sam 13:1-28 – Folly is foolishness – and Amnon was definitely foolish – we can learn from his folly not to make the same mistakes he did – if you don’t learn from them then you are bound to...
Daniel 12:1-4 Time of the End CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The time of the end is identified by a number of things: natural and international disasters [Matt 24], perilous times [2 Tim 3:1-7], and many running to and fro and knowledge increasing, as in our text. The alarming thing about the...
1 Thess 5:16-22 The Way of Happiness CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If you want true happiness as a Christian then the thing to do is to follow these simple instructions given by Paul. Rejoice Evermore – v.16 – 1 Pet 1:8-9 through loving and believing Jesus – Jn 15:8-11 through bearing...
Job 1:1 Outstanding Characteristics of Job CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Job was perfect and upright and he feared God and eschewed evil – these four characteristics should be in us as God’s children – these things were said of Job three times (v.8, v.2:2-3) – there was none like him in the earth...