What is Mystery Babylon?

Mystery Babylon, found in Revelation 17:5, is “that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth,” (Revelation 17:18). Mystery Babylon is the sixth in a series of seven studies that we are doing on the mysteries of the Bible. This city will be the headquarters of the Antichrist...

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Will a Methodist go to heaven?

 That depends on what you’ve done with Jesus. The question that we have decided to answer this week is one that was submitted to us from the web site.  Our viewer asked the following question: Hello Pastor Welder, I ‘m hoping you can help clear up something for me. I...

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What about the Gap theory?

We received this email from a “surfer” the other day. Dear Pastor Welder, Read this excellent article by Brother Kent Hovind that will show you you’re wrong about the Gap Theory. http://www.drdino.com/QandA/index.jsp?varFolder=Bible&varPage=TheGapTheory.jsp God bless you, _________. [Note: If you want to take the time to read the article by Kent...

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The Seven Last Plagues Rev. 15:1-8

The Seven Last Plagues CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Chapter 15 shows you what’s going on in heaven right before the last plagues of the Tribulation.  Seven angels have these plagues and when each plague comes, it comes with the wrath of God contained in vials that angels begin pouring out...

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