Lying Lips, Prov 12:22

Lying Lips Prov. 12:22 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Proverbs chapter 12, Solomon writes four things about lying.  There is more in the Bible about lying lips than what you find here.  But preaching on this subject out of one Proverb is handy.  It will probably make this message easier...

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The Wise Men from the East, Matt 2:1-12

The Wise Men Matt 2: 1-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are some very interesting things about these wise men from the east that we want to consider today.  The wise men from the east: Came from the east – Matt 2:1 – The likely place from which they came is...

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No Room For Them in the Inn, Luke 2:7

No Room For Them in the Inn Luke 2:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You have probably heard this text, there was no room for them in the inn, preached or taught many times around the Christmas season.  However, there is a thought in the verse that provides an excellent text for preaching. ...

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Do Not Give Up Ground, 2 Sam 23:11-12

Don’t Give Up Your Ground 2 Sam 23:11-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Shammah was one of David’s mighty men.  He defended a piece of ground full of lentils from a troop of the Philistines.  They were gathered together to get the ground and every one else had fled from the Philistines. ...

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He Went Throughout Every City, Lk 8:1-3

He Went Throughout Every City In Lk 8:1-3, Jesus was still in Galilee.  He went throughout every city and village.  From Lk 4:43 we learn that Jesus was sent to preach the kingdom of God “to other cities” also.  Therefore, he didn’t just go to one or two principal cities...

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Being Constant

Being Constant 1 Chronicles 28:1-21 In the passage for this lesson David is giving words of instruction to Solomon regarding the fact that God has chosen him to be king and to build the house of the Lord that God would not allow David to build. Note in verse 7...

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Effectively Preach the Gospel, 2 Cor 12:15

Effectively Preaching the Gospel 2 Cor.12:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO of Preach the Gospel There are three things we are going to see from the Bible today that will help you effectively preach the gospel.  These three things have to do with the attitude of your heart toward the people to...

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The Latter End is Worse, 2 Pet 2:20

The Latter End Is Worse 2 Pet. 2:20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We are addressing this message specifically to folks who have repented and escaped the judgment of God. Yet they then have turned back to their old ways thinking God’s letting them get away with what they are doing now. ...

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Tomorrow, Prov 27:1

Tomorrow There are three things that come to mind about tomorrow. Boast not – Prov 27:1.  For thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.  Boasting about tomorrow is a statement of pride.  The circumstances that appear to be in your favor today may be substantially against you tomorrow....

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