She Left Her Waterpot, Jn 4:28

18-04-30 Jn 4 28 She Left Her Waterpot CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When Jesus met the woman in John 4, she had come to the well to draw water [Jn 4:7].  Jesus then began dealing with her about the “gift of God,” [Jn 4:10], “who” he was [Jn 4:10], and...

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Bring Him In, Lk 5:18-19

Bring Him In For the man with the palsy to get to Jesus, four men had to bring him in.  What’s it going to take for you to bring someone in?  Men need to be brought to Jesus to be saved. If you’re going to bring him in, you need:...

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Typical Days in Jesus’s Ministry, Lk 5:12-39

Typical Days in Jesus’s Ministry Typical days in Jesus’s ministry included: Healing, Lk 5:12-15 A man full of leprosy came to Jesus, fell on his face, and said, “Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean”.  He called him Lord, not Master.  He prayed like Jesus in Gethsemane.. Lord...

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Friends according to Proverbs

 Friends According to Proverbs Having a good friend is a real blessing in this life. But with all the benefits of friendship there are many dangers and responsibilities that come with having friends. In this lesson we will look at these elements of friendship and hope to show you not...

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His Only Begotten Son, Jn 3:16

Jn 3 16 His Only Begotten Son CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jn 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  When people read a King James Bible they will say things like,...

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How to Reconcile with Others, Lk 17:3-4

How To Reconcile With Others Lk 17:3-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson is on How to reconcile with others when you are the offended party. Confront small things right away – SOS 2:15 – don’t let anything build between you and other people, particularly family. Pray for him or her...

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The Disciples Multiplied, Acts 6:7

The Disciples Multiplied Acts 6:7 says, “And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly…”.  We’re going to discuss how the number of the disciples multiplied.  From this, hopefully, we will learn how we are to multiply. God created us to multiply physically....

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Come Before His Presence, Ps 95:1-11

Come Before His Presence Ps. 95: 1-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When we read in the Psalms about coming “before his presence,” [i.e., Ps 95:2], we are reading about people literally coming before the Lord’s presence during the millennial reign of Jesus Christ when he is ruling on the earth from...

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Why God Allows Suffering, Rom 9:17

Why God Allows Suffering Rom 9: 17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We are going to answer the question, Why God allows suffering?  In answering this question, we realize that there are many who have suffered a great deal of unexplainable troubles in this life.  To this day, they cannot figure out...

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Inheritance Prerequisites, Eph 1:11

Your Salvation and Inheritance Eph. 1:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO of Inheritance Prerequisites. This broadcast is about inheritance prerequisites.  That is, what we do and don’t do after we believe in Jesus con affect whether we receive some of our future inheritance.   In Eph 1:11 we see that, once Jesus...

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