Your Testimony, Heb 11:5

Your Testimony You should have: A God-pleasing testimony – Heb 11:5.  Enoch’s testimony before his translation was “that he pleased God”.  Enoch is our type in the Old Testament if we are raptured before our death.  He never died, and neither will we if we are alive when Jesus returns for...

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How to Stand, 1 Thes 3:8

How to Stand How to Stand In 1 Thes 3:8 Paul wrote, “For now we live, if ye stand fast in the Lord”.  There are a few things in life and in the ministry that compel a man to keep on preaching and ministering the word of God.  Of course,...

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Jesus in Adolescence, Lk 2:40-52

Jesus in Adolescence He was twelve years old, v.42.  As he grew physically, v.40, 52: He waxed strong in spirit – he kept the balance physically and spiritually He was filled with wisdom – godly wisdom from the fear of God, Heb 5:7 The grace of God was upon him...

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The Ancient Landmark, Prov 22:28

The Ancient Landmark Prov. 22:28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Prov 22:28 says, “Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set”.  The ancient landmark establishes the border of land; it establishes ownership and prevents land disputes.  The ancient landmark is also a memorial that commemorates a place or an event...

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John Did No Miracles, Jn 10:41

John Did No Miracle Jn 10: 41 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO of this sermon on miracles. Some Christians are suckers for miracles.  They believe that preachers who perform miracles are more powerful than preachers who don’t.  They think that a miracle is evidence of the great working of God in a...

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The Mark for the Prize, Phil 3:14

The Mark for the Prize In Phil 3, Paul described his life religious life before Jesus saved him.  He had much to be proud of when compared to other religious Jews.  But compared to the righteousness of Jesus Christ, he counted all his own righteousness as dung, Phil 3:8. After...

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Do Judgment, Prov 21:15

Do Judgment Prov. 21:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are three simple words in the first part of Prov 21:15 that all start with the letter “j.”  Those three words are: “joy”, “just” and “judgment.”  We want to examine these words individually and in relation to each other and show you...

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His Own Soul, Prov 6:32

His Own Soul Prov. 6: 32 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Eight times is Proverbs, we find a reference to a man’s “own soul.”  What he does in his life has either a beneficial or detrimental effect on his soul.  We’ll study the references in this broadcast. A person who commits adultery...

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Parable of the Sower, Matt 13:18-23

Parable of the Sower Matt 13: 18-23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Parable of the Sower Jesus interpreted the parable of the sower in Matt 13:18-23.  Today, we will examine the response of some of the people to whom Jesus preached the word of God to see illustrations of this parable. In...

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