Doing Righteousness, Prov 11

Doing Righteousness Notice all of these references in Prov 11 to righteousness, the righteous, and the upright.  This sermon is about doing righteousness that’s in you by Jesus, so that the things you find in Prov 11 will be true in your life, too.  Notice: 11:3 the integrity of the...

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A Biblical Worldview, 2 Cor 4:18

A Biblical Worldview Our texts are 2 Cor 4:18 and Jn 7:24.  These texts show us to see things that are not seen and to judge by righteous judgment rather than by appearance.  To do this you need a Biblical worldview. Instead of looking directly at the things around us,...

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Mary With Gabriel and Elisabeth, Lk 1:26-56

Mary with Gabriel and Elisabeth We’re studying about Mary with Gabriel and Elisabeth in this lesson from Lk 1:26-56.  Before appearing to Mary, Gabriel had appeared to Zacharias earlier.  At this time, Elisabeth is six months pregnant, v. 26, 36.  In Lk 1:26-38, Gabriel is sent to Mary in Nazareth...

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A True Child of God, Matt 12:50

A True Child of God Matt 12: 50 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When we receive Jesus Christ, Jn 1:12 says that he gives us power to become the sons of God.  Until recently, I haven’t considered what he meant by “power to become” sons of God.  After all, when you...

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We Hid Our Faces From Him, Is 53:3

We Hid Our Faces From Him Is 53:3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you meet the Lord face to face, like the spectators at his crucifixion, you will hide your face. The Bible says in Is 53:3 that we hid our faces from him.  At some point in your life you...

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Prayer for the Sick, Jas 5:14-15

Prayer for the Sick Jas 5:14-15 is a very specific prayer of faith which God answers by healing the sick person and raising him up.  The conditions are these, he calls for the elders of the church, they pray over him, and they anoint him with oil in the name...

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Taste And See, Ps 34:8

Taste and See Ps 34:8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Taste And See That The Lord Is Good We’ve often said that eternal life begins the moment you receive Jesus Christ; you don’t have to wait to die before you can enjoy your everlasting life.  That’s why Jesus said in Jn 10:10,...

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Without Remedy, Prov 29:1

Without Remedy Prov. 29:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Three times in the Bible we find the word “remedy.”  And it’s always used in a negative sense. We find it in Prov 29:1, Prov 6:15 and 2 Chr 36:16. You cross a line with God, destruction and wrath come, but there is...

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Purge Iniquity, Prov 16:6

Purging Iniquity Prov 16:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO How To Purge Iniquity We Purge Iniquity Through: Salvation Ps 79:9 – when you receive Jesus, God will purge your soul of all sins for eternity.  Our records are clean, forever.  See Heb 1:3.  And salvation can also purge some folks by an...

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The Lord is at Hand

Philippians 4:1-5 “The Lord is at hand”.  Introduction: In this passage of scripture, Paul ends in vs 5 by saying “The Lord is at hand”. In other words, Jesus Christ is coming back soon for his church, the bride of Christ, that is, every believer that’s here this morning. There is...

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