Names of Jesus “G”

Name for Jesus “G” CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you consider the names and titles of the Lord Jesus Christ, there are so many that we must deal with them alphabetically just to do them justice. There are many wonderful things that you will learn about Jesus when you study the...

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Names of Jesus “F”

Names for Jesus “F” CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you consider the names and titles of the Lord Jesus Christ, there are so many that we must deal with them alphabetically just to do them justice. There are many wonderful things that you will learn about Jesus when you study the...

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Offended and Dealing with Others Prov. 25:8-12                 We all get offended and have need to deal with others about it. The Bible has some very good help in these matters. We have two main choices when we are offended, respond back to the offending party or keep it to...

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Components of Giving Prov. 11: 24

Components of Giving Prov. 11: 24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Those who give and never have to be reminded to give or never have to be pressured to give possess some basic components of giving. These are: A Liberal Soul – Prov 11:24-25 – like the Macedonians who, Paul said, “first...

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Where There is No Vision Prov. 29:18

Where There is No Vision Prov. 29:18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are five things in life that you must “see.” You must have a vision of these things or people will perish.  As Prov 29:18 says, Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Where there is no vision of:...

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Isaiah 56:1-12 My Salvation is Near

My Salvation is Near Is. 56:1-2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO As the salvation of the Lord nears during the Tribulation, before the Second Coming of Jesus, several things are evident from this chapter. “My salvation” is the salvation of Israel prophesied in Is 46:13, 62:11; Rom 11:25-27.  When, as the Lord...

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First Things First

First Things First Matt.6:33-34 First things first. You will do whatever you put first in your life. Usually we will put things that are fun, easy or profitable first in our life. We usually put unpleasant, hard or things that cost us last. God states clearly what He thinks should...

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Names of Jesus “E”

Names of Jesus “E” CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you consider the names and titles of the Lord Jesus Christ, there are so many that we must deal with them alphabetically just to do them justice. There are many wonderful things that you will learn about Jesus when you study the...

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Names of Jesus “D”

Names of Jesus “D” CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you consider the names and titles of the Lord Jesus Christ, there are so many that we must deal with them alphabetically just to do them justice. There are many wonderful things that you will learn about Jesus when you study the...

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Names of Jesus “C”

Names of Jesus “C” CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you consider the names and titles of the Lord Jesus Christ, there are so many that we must deal with them alphabetically just to do them justice. There are many wonderful things that you will learn about Jesus when you study the  names...

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