Are we real Christians

Are We Real Christians Acts 11:26 The lesson for today is going to deal with being a real Christian. Now by this we do not mean being saved. The world today has come to think that being saved is the same thing as being a Christian. But if you look...

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Wholly Follow The Lord, Jos 14:7-15

Wholly Followed The Lord Jos 14:8-I CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jos 14:7-8 Caleb is a good example to help us wholly follow the Lord.  Caleb’s testimony in Canaan when he was recounting the time that he and eleven other spies went to search Canaan was, “I wholly followed the Lord.”  He...

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Ignoring the Lord, Num 22:12-13

Ignoring the Lord Num. 22:12-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon is about ignoring the Lord. I preach this message in the fear of the Lord.  The Lord may have spoken to us in his words and in preaching about a particular matter and to think that we may have ignored...

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Be Like Cornelius, Acts 10:30-33

When I think about soul winning, I realize that we are missing one of the greatest opportunities that we have before us.  You know people who need to be saved, but you may not know how to go about leading them to the Lord.  Be like Cornelius.  Get them together...

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Forsake the Foolish, Prov 9:6

Forsake the Foolish Prov. 9:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Wisdom, in Prov 9:6, says, “Forsake the foolish, and live, and go in the way of understanding.”  In order to live, you must: Forsake These Things: Foolish Religions Jesus is not a religious concept; he is God. And Jesus never established a...

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A Hardened Neck, Prov 29:1

He Hardeneth His Neck Prov. 29:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A Hardened Neck Pharaoh had a hardened neck against the Lord.  In Ex 5:2, Pharaoh didn’t know the Lord so he asked, “who is the Lord that I should obey his voice to let Israel go?”  He could have known the...

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The Confessional, Prov 28:13

The Confessional Prov. 28:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are many who still believe that confessing your sins to a priest in a confessional is a true confession. But that’s not so. The confessional represents: A Feigned repentance – you make the confession and then feel the contrition until you go...

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Ruth’s Disadvantages

In this sermon we see how Ruth overcame her disadvantages to receive blessings from the Lord.  In her move toward the Lord, she received small advantages that encouraged her in her life.  She eventually enjoyed the benefits that Israel had in their relationship with God. Ruth’s National Disadvantage.  She was...

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Charity For Mom, 1 Cor 13:4-8

Charity is the Bible’s love language.  This is the kind of love we should have for our mothers and wives.  We should have charity for mom. Charity suffereth long and is kind.  Notice it isn’t just long-suffering, but it is simultaneously long-suffering and kind.  We’ve seen children and husbands who...

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