First in His Own Cause Prov. 18: 17

First in His Own Cause Prov. 18:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This proverb is classically illustrated by a child who tattles to Mom about a sibling’s misdeed or cruelty only to find after inquiry that the tattler was the one who started the whole thing anyway – he was first in...

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Dealing with Baggage

Dealing with Baggage CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Dealing with Baggage is a sermon to help you deal with your “baggage” from the past and to help you quit the sins that are associated with it.  Lots of people have baggage, things in their past that were so scarring they seem to...

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Christian Growth I

This is the first lesson in a series of six on Christian Growth.  It is designed to teach new converts some basic doctrine to help them get grounded in their salvation and oriented to the Sunday school class they will soon join in the church. Prov 20:29 says that the...

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The Spirit of Man Prov.18: 14

The Spirit of Man Prov. 18:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are two types of spirits in this text – the type that will sustain a man’s infirmity and the type that is unbearable (the wounded spirit). B. C. Goree had the type that would sustain his infirmity – C.A. Myers...

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Hear It Before Answering Prov. 18: 13

Hear It Before Answering Prov.18:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is the case of many these days to answer a matter before they ever fully hear or understand the question. People often don’t listen to the question.  They often use the question to say whatever they want to say.  Before answering...

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The Talebearer Prov. 18: 8

The Talebearer Prov. 18: 8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Produces long lasting harm – Prov 18:8 The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly. Rebels against God’s commands – Lev 19:16 Thou shalt not go up and down as a...

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A Fool’s Heart Prov. 18: 2

A Fool’s Heart Prov. 18: 2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Self-help Christianity is all about “ME.”  And when your mind and heart are consumed with “ME,” you suddenly find out that you have a fool’s heart. When your heart discovers itself it will come to this conclusion: you are wretched Rom...

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Silence is Golden Prov. 17: 27-28

Silence is Golden Prov. 17:27-28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO How many men have said too much and then regretted it later – it is so much better to withhold comment until you know exactly what to say, how to say it and when to say it – sometimes it is just...

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Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth Your parents were keenly aware of your physical growth from your infancy well into your teens. They were mindful to feed you the things that your body needed, to grow correctly. They may have made you stand in the doorway of a closet and mark your height on...

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How to Defend Against Lust

How to Defend Against Lust James 1: 13-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon is on how to defend against lust.  When Adam and Eve were created, they had everything they needed and were content.  However, the devil showed Eve that she was missing being “as gods knowing good and evil.” ...

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