Bring Them to Jesus

Matt 14:34-36 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO These were remarkable miracles performed by the Lord Jesus Christ during his earthly ministry.  From this passage we can find a great deal of simple and yet beneficial information to help us see the Lord perform the greatest miracle of all in the lives...

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Isaiah 22:8-25 A Horrible Discovery

Is 22: 8-14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When prophets prophesied in the Old Testament, oftentimes, the audience couldn’t see the gravity of the situation they were in.  For instance, Ahab’s prophets told him that he would recover Ramothgilead.  They were wrong.  Micaiah prophesied rightly when he told them that Ahab would...

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The Family Altar

Think ahead 10-15 years to where your family will be, not physically or careerwise but spiritually. Our children are the future of this church and we are the immediate future.  As you know things die down and get worse so what you are doing now spiritually subtract from that.  Sin...

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Abomination Prov. 15: 9

Abominable Wickedness Prov. 15: 9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The way of the wicked [Hollywood, worldliness, cheating, covetousness, etc.] is an abomination unto the Lord – today we are going to look at some things that the Lord specifically states are abominable to him – avoid these things like the plague...

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Righteousness Exalteth a Nation Prov. 14: 34

Righteousness Exalteth a Nation CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If this verse is true and you know that I believe it is then righteousness exalteth a nation – that is a nation will be exalted in accordance with its righteousness – not its politics, economy, scientific advancements, art, architecture, literature, military, medicine...

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Envy Prov. 14: 30

People want sound hearts today they are heart conscious – but often they don’t realize that a sound heart also involves not being envious – envy is the rottenness of the bones and it will destroy you, not the person against whom you are envious – all of the points...

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The Integrity of Job

The Integrity of Job CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Integrity is the quality or state of being of sound moral principle.  It is an excellent quality.  It is based on Biblical principle but it is not something that comes from spirituality.  It is something in your character that can be bolstered by...

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Why Do People Hate the Name of Jesus

Why Do People Hate the Name of Jesus CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When the government considers removing “God” from public institutions, it’s not God that they despise so much as it is the name “Jesus.”  After all, we still have “In God We Trust” on our currency and we still pledge...

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Isaiah 22:1-7 The Valley of Vision

The Valley of Vision Is 22:1-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is the only place where the valley of vision is mentioned so we cannot locate it by cross references.  In v.8, 10, the vision concerns an invasion of Jerusalem and Judah and in v.7 all the choice valleys are filled...

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