Isaiah 18:1-7 Woe to the Land

Woe to the Land Is 18:1-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This chapter is metaphorical and is therefore hard to understand until you can see to what the metaphors refer.  To study this passage, we are going to have to deal with the verses out of their chronological order.  We will first...

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Finances By the Bible (Part 2)

1 Timothy 6:17 God gives a warning in 1 Timothy 6:17 about trusting in money.  What a man has acquired compared to others is what he thinks of himself generally.  The goal of today’s study is to show the foolishness of trusting in money and the need to trust in...

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Every Idle Word

Every Idle Word Matt. 12:36-37 Introduction: 1)      Isa. 55:8-9, God’s ways are different than the worlds. 2)      The world thinks lightly of certain types of speech. 3)      Matt. 12:36-37, The Lord says to take it seriously. 4)      Matt. 12:34, your speech reveals your heart. 5)      Matt. 12:35, your speech reveals...

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Wealth Prov. 13: 11

Wealth Prov.13:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Everything in this lesson is practical – all the cross-references are from the gospels – much is said in the gospels about money. General Easy come easy go – Lk 15:11- 32 – the prodigal wasted his substance with riotous living – it vanished about...

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Wealth Gotten By Vanity Prov. 13: 11

Wealth Gotten by Vanity Prov. 13:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Wealth gotten by vanity is money that is gotten by you for which you do not have to work. It is wealth attained in the absence of labor. This verse of scripture informs us that any such acquisition will evaporate. Winning...

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Contentious Pride Prov. 13: 10

Contentious Pride Prov. 13:10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Contention often comes when one of two parties is insufficiently advised due to pride.  If there is someone with whom you have an ongoing contention then pride is likely involved.  There are some elements to contentious pride that will help you to understand...

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The Ransom of a Man’s Life Prov. 13: 8

Life’s Ransom Prov. 13:8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Spiritually speaking, the ransom of a man’s life is Jesus, 2 Cor 8:9; 1 Pet 1:18-19; 1 Tim 2:4-6; Ps 49:6-9 Practically speaking, the ransom of a man’s life is money.  Riches will get a man out of almost every [but nor every] jam: ransom for...

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Seduction Prov. 12: 26

Seduction Prov.12:26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson is about seduction.  To seduce means to lure or entice away from duty, principles or proper conduct – to lead astray – to tempt and to lead into iniquity. Here is a picture of a righteous man [say a Christian, God fearing, Bible...

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The Sword of the Spirit

The Sword of the Spirit Eph. 6:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The sword of the Spirit is the word of God.  We have been enlisted into the Lord’s army and we are to be good soldiers.  Therefore, we have been issued a weapon so that we can fight on the Lord’s...

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Isaiah 17:1-14 The Burden of Damascus

The Burden of Damascus CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This prophecy against Damascus will be fulfilled in the Tribulation and at the Second Coming of Jesus.  There are parts of this prophecy that pertain to Israel.  Because the whole chapter is about this burden of Damascus, it will be easier to teach...

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