Jesus is Coming Soon

Jesus Is Coming Soon 2 Timothy 4:7-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Do you believe that Jesus is coming soon?  Are you living like you believe that?  People who believe that Jesus is coming soon: Love His Appearing – 2 Tim 4:8 – they are looking for the Blessed Hope Titus 2:13...

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Isaiah 13:14-22 Day of Destruction Continued

 Day of Destruction Continued Isaiah 13, 14-22 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the last Sunday school lesson we covered the terrible events that will take place at the Second Coming of Jesus.  Today, we will continue to enumerate these events during this day of destruction and then we will see the...

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How to Love Your Wife

Ephesians 5:25-28 Marriage is a picture of Christ and the church.  Marriage is an institution that teaches doctrine by example.  Just as Jesus Christ used the example of a seed and various types of ground to teach how the words of God are received, so marriage teaches the relationship of...

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Harlotry Proverbs 7: 1-27

Harlotry Prov. 7: 1-27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Prov 7 does a thorough job of clearly defining and describing harlotry.  You aren’t going to like the description because many who do not consider themselves harlots are described here.  Before examining the text you need to understand that a woman who gives...

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Don’t Commit Adultery Proverbs 6: 24-35

Don’t Commit Adultery Prov. 6: 24-35 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You’re listening to me today and your thoughts are on another woman besides your wife.  You know what you’re thinking about is wrong but there is a certain allurement and temptation in your heart and in her eyes and mannerisms...

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Higher Ground

 Higher Ground Lk 21: 25-28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO As things have become more unstable in the earth and people are getting scared, Christians are following the prevailing worldly attitude.  As one of the missionaries at the conference told me, “The trouble with the churches in the USA now is that...

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Reproofs of Instruction Proverbs 6: 23

Reproofs of Instruction Prov. 6: 23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Reproofs are criticisms to the face.  In their mildest form, they are like “making others take responsibility” for their own actions.  In a little tougher form, they are a correction or a tactful criticism.  A still tougher form is a rebuke. ...

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Seven Things the Lord Hates Proverbs 6: 16-19

Seven Things the Lord Hates Prov 6:16-19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Get this: God Hates people [look at 6 & 7] Ps 5:5; Rom 9:13 – he hates some things about people and there are some people that he hates – now I know God is love and he will extend...

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A Naughty Person Proverbs 6: 12-15

A Naughty Person Prov. 6:12-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This naughty person is not just a little bit bad, he is wicked!!  And the things said about him are true and instructive so that you can mark him and avoid him. The first tool he’ll use to hurt you is his...

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