Discipleship Lesson #8 Local Church

Discipleship Lesson #8 Church CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What is the church? The church is the body of Jesus Christ according to Romans 12:4-5 & Ephesians 5:30.  A person becomes a member of the body of Christ when he or she receives God’s righteousness by faith in the Lord Jesus...

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Meat To Eat, Jn 4:31-34

Meat To Eat John 4:31-34 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO MEAT TO EAT  So much attention today on food.  Fat preachers and much radio and magazine time on health and diet topics and plans.  Health clubs and nutritional centers.  Restaurants.  Great to take good care of yourself but not to the...

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Dealing With Temptation – The Devil 2

Dealing with Temptation The Devil 2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is a continuation of the preaching from last week on dealing with temptation from the devil. The devil condemns – 1 Tim 3:6 – the warning here is against putting a novice into the ministry – his pride will cause him...

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The Samaritan Woman’s Faith, Jn 4:25-30

The Samaritan Woman’s Faith John 4:25-30 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO THE SAMARITAN WOMAN’S FAITH  The way this woman responded to the words of God and the revelation of Jesus Christ is a remarkable example of what we should look for in those to whom we are witnessing and also a great...

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The Woman at the Well, Jn 4:10-24

The Woman at the Well John 4:10-24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO OVERCOMING OBSTACLES IN SOUL WINNING Jn. 4:10-26 In this lesson we see one of the greatest salvation experiences in the Bible.  It reveals the obstacles that men typically have to deal with and the answers the Lord generally has...

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The Samaritans, Jn 4:1-9

City of Samaria John 4:1-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO THE SAMARITANS The way Israel is divided, you have Judea in the south, and Galilee in the north.  In the middle of the country is Samaria.  The first 42 verses of this chapter deal with an incident that occurred in Samaria with...

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When Eating is a Sin

When Eating is a Sin Gen 3: 6-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Did you know that eating can be a sin? Absolutely!  There are times when eating is a sin.  God said, “thou shalt not eat of it.”  And yet they ate [see Rom 5:12].  Before we go any further, let...

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Communion of the Body of Christ

The Communion of the Body of Christ 1 Cor. 10:16-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you think of communion in church, the first thing that comes to mind is the Lord’s Supper.  However, in this sermon we are not going to deal with the Lord’s Supper.   We are going to deal...

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Isaiah 5:8-30 Six Woes

Six Woes Is 5: 8-30 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There could actually be seven woes in this passage but the seventh [v.24] doesn’t say “woe” – in fact, it is the root cause of the first six woes.  To study this passage in its entirety, we will first examine the woes...

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Habits are things we do repeatedly, most of the time we are hardly aware that we have them. They’re on autopilot.            True or false: It is easier to give up good ones than bad ones. It is easier to identify bad habits in other people rather than yourself.  (Illustration): Four...

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