Ye Must Be Born Again, Jn 3:1-7

Ye Must Be Born Again John 3:1-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Nearly every person I meet wants to go to Heaven. However, when asked if they think they are going to Heaven they usually respond with I want to go or I hope I get to go there, but they are...

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Discipleship Lesson #6 – Dealing With Others

Discipleship #6 – Dealing With Others Bro. Welder CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this discipleship lesson, you are going to learn, as a Christian, how to handle: Relationships with Christians; Relationships with non-Christians; Responsibilities toward other Christians; and Offenses against you Relationships with Christians As Christians, we are sons and daughters of our Father, the...

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Show Us A Sign, Jn 2:18-25

Show Us A Sign John 2:18-25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO After Jesus had unleashed His wrath on the moneychangers and had run them out of the temple, the Pharisees wanted to know on what authority He justified His actions. The Pharisees wanted a sign from Jesus in order for Him to...

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Dealing With Temptation – The Lord

Dealing with Temptation -The Lord 1 Cor 10 :13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Dealing with temptation – what the Lord does.  The Lord does not expect you to battle temptations by yourself.  So, he is present in the fight to keep you from sin if you will look to him to...

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A House of Merchandise, Jn 2:13-17

A House of Merchandise John 2:13-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There is always a temptation in the ministry to go after money and to make merchandise of God’s people. Under the Law there was a system of sacrifice and the Jews could submit oxen, goats, sheep, turtledoves, pigeons, cornmeal, oil or...

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The City of Capernaum, Jn 2:12

The City of Capernaum John 2:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO While Jesus was born in Bethlehem and raised in Nazareth, it was the city of Capernaum that became the headquarters for His ministry (Matt. 4:13, 9:1-2, Mark 2:1-3). Jesus moved there with His family (John 2:12) except for Joseph who had...

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He Manifested His Glory, Jn 2:1-11

He Manifested His Glory John 2:1-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This text concerns a miracle involving wine. It commonly presents problems for the reader because it requires cross referencing of scripture with scripture to find out exactly what it was that Jesus Christ made. It is set up so that sinners...

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Life Beyond The Grave

Life Beyond the Grave Gen 1: 26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Is there something in the words of God that should have caused even people in the Old Testament to know that there is life beyond the grave? Yes. In Gen1:26– God said, “let us make man in our image, after...

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When You Get Saved

When You Get Saved Is 4: 1-6  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Sunday school lesson we saw the doctrinal application of this passage to Israel in the millennial reign of Jesus.  But, spiritually, this passage also typifies the Christian in whom Christ dwells.  Here’s what happens to you when...

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Isaiah 4:1-6 Restoration of Israel

Restoration of Israel Is 4: 1-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO After three chapters of prophecy against Israel, the Lord now turns his attention to what is going to happen to Israel after the Second Coming of Jesus.  Chapter 4 only has six verses, so the Lord just covers a few areas...

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