Helpers in the Ministry Part 2, Phil 2:23-30

Philippians 2:23-30 Helpers in the Ministry Part 2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Two of Paul’s greatest helpers in the ministry were Timothy and Epaphroditus.  Epaphroditus was such a good help to him because: He was Paul’s partner – v.25 – he was a brother, a companion in labor and a fellow soldier...

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Helpers in the Ministry, Phil 2:19-22

 Philippians 2:19-22 Helpers in the Ministry CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Two of Paul’s greatest helpers in the ministry were Timothy and Epaphroditus.  Timothy was such a good help to him because: He was likeminded – v.20 – a good helper in the ministry has to have the same mindset as the...

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It’s Worth The Trouble, Phil 2:14-18

  Philippians 2:14-18 It’s Worth It CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul went everywhere preaching and endured real hardship, suffering, and persecution for what he did.  And here he is summing it up for the Philippians.  Basically, “when you do certain things, I don’t care how much it costs me, even my life,...

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To Live Is Christ

Phil. 1: 21-24 To Live Is Christ CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Christianity is so much more than a ticket out of hell.  It is not something that you have to wait until you die to begin to enjoy.  As Paul said, “To Live is Christ.”  And he gives: Purpose to...

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Isaiah 1:16-31 A Call and Declaration to Jerusalem

Isaiah 1:16-31 A Call and Declaration to Jerusalem CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jerusalem had strayed so far from the Lord that Isaiah had to preach to her the way a preacher has to preach to the lost.  He made a: Call to Righteousness – v.16-17 – Jerusalem was evil, so...

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Work Salvation Out, Phil 2:12-13

Philippians 2:12-13 Work it Out CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  After you get saved, you need to work salvation out. You’ll please Him, Jn 8:29. You’ll do His will, Matt 26:39.     You’ll accomplish His purpose, Rom 8:28.   God works salvation in you Heb 9:14, I Cor 6:9-11 Rom 8:29, conforms you to his...

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Jesus’ Exaltation, Phil 2:9-11

 Phil 2: 9-11 Jesus’ Exaltation CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO    Yesterday we saw that the way up is down, and the Lord had to go way down to save us.  Seven steps down: No reputation Servant Likeness of men Fashion of man Humble Obedient Crucified The work of redemption is done;...

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The Temple of God

The Temple of God I Cor 3:16-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO 1 Cor 6:19-20 – we recognize that our individual bodies are called the temple of the “Holy Ghost” – but when you study the “temple of God” in the New Testament, a very interesting picture emerges Jn 2:19-21 – the...

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Jesus’ Humility Phil. 2:5-8

 Phil 2: 5-8 Jesus’ Humility CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO As a preacher said about the Christian life, “The way up is down.”  In the life of John of whom it was said, “There is not a greater prophet than John,” he made the way of humility clear when Christ began to...

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A Pastor’s Joy Phil. 2:1-4

Philippians 2:1-4 A Pastor’s Joy CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul said, “Fulfill ye my joy.”  And the joy was about everyone in the church getting along without the back biting and bickering and division that is so common today.  What he was asking for is a pastor’s dream – a church...

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