Being Blameless Phil. 2:14-15

Being Blamless Phil 2:14-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is a Sunday school lesson on how you can be blameless according to Phil 2:14-15 – Paul was blameless in Phil 3:6 and Zacharias and Elisabeth were blameless in Luke 1:6.  This is not a lesson on sinlessness, though.

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Seeking Counsel

Seeking Counsel Proverbs 20: 5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO From this passage you see 4 very simple things to consider when seeking counsel. Counsel is in the heart – so it is not something superficial, but something lodged deep in the heart of men. Counsel is like deep water – so...

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 Elections Romans 13: 1-8  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO People want to affect the political process with their contributions and their votes.  However, while these things are important to the “political process” they should never overshadow your Biblical understanding of government, prophecy or your need to pray.  Consider these passages from the...

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Apostasy Ps 106:12-25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO How did Israel go from believing God’s words in verse 12 to not believing his words in verse 24?  They did it by apostasy.  We see it all around us today.  In this lesson, we identify the intervening steps between believing God’s words...

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Soul Winning Lesson #1

Basic Bible for Soul Winning Lesson #1 Bro. Tony Seale CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Basic Bible for Soul Winning (Lesson #1)  What is Sin and why is man a Sinner? Handout #1  What is Sin?  1)  Proverbs 21:4 “An high look, and a proud heart, and the plowing of the wicked,...

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Soul Winning Lesson #2

Soul Winning Lesson 2 Bro. Tony CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Basic Bible for Soul Winning (Lesson #2) Why is Jesus the only one who can save us? Handout  Sin requires blood :  1)  Genesis 3:21 (God made coats of skin) 2)  Genesis 4:1-7 (Blood is key in sacrifices) 3)  Leviticus 17:11...

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Soul Winning Lesson #3

What Is The Gospel Lesson #3 Bro. Welder CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO 1 Cor 15:1-4: The gospel is simply the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. His Death His death was the “consequence” of sin – Rom 5:12; Jas 1:14-15; 1 Pet 2:24 His death was the “payment”...

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Soul Winning Lesson #5

Soul Winning #5 Bro. Welder CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In witnessing it is very important to remember that the work is spiritual and that the Holy Spirit is the one who ultimately needs to do the “soul winning.”  The Holy Spirit: Fills – he fills believers so that we have the...

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Soul Winning Lesson #6

Soul Winning #6 Bro. Randy Knupple CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What are some different plans of Salvation?   Salvation is not in a Plan; Salvation is in a Man. Matt. 1:21“…he shall save his people from their sins” Luke 19:11“For the Son of  man is come to seek and to save...

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Soul Winning Lesson #7

Soul Winning #7 Bro. Welder CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  This lesson is designed to give the class participants an opportunity to practice witnessing, “preaching the gospel” and giving their testimonies to each other. When you have the opportunity to speak with someone about the Lord Jesus Christ, be sure to do the...

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