The Lord’s Vineyard

Psalm 80: 8-15 The Lord’s Vineyard CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This topic relates to Israel, on the one hand, and to the church, on the other.  We will look at both applications. Israel The Lord planted his vineyard [Ps 80:8-16] when he planted Israel as a vine brought out of...

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The Resurrection of Lazarus

John 11, 12: 1-11 The Resurrection of Lazarus CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Lazarus is an excellent picture of a lost man who gets saved.  Just look at all the wonderful typology. The Compassion of the Savior – 11:3 – the Lord loved him, Jn 3:16 The Character of the Sinner –...

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What Weakens/Strengthens a Family

Ephesians 6: 14 What Weakens/Strengthens the Family CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The following weaken the family: Disagreement between the parents – Gen 21:9-11             Finances             Rules             Discipline             Expectations             Friends Allowing instruction that causes to err from the words of knowledge – Prov 19:27             Education             Television,...

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Go to the Ant

Ants Prov 6: 6-8, 30: 24-25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Solomon was wise.  He studied ants and saw that they make great examples of wisdom for men.  Only 2 references in the Bible to ants, so they are conspicuous by their limited mention.  Did you notice “her” ways, meat food?  That’s...

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When They Were Alone

Mark 4: 30-34 When They Were Alone CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO From Mk 4:34 we find that we have to get alone with Jesus, where everything else is put on hold. When you get alone with Jesus: You get to know his words better – text, Gal 1:16-17 You get...

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What Weakens/Strengthens a Marriage

Jeremiah 8: 8-10 What Weakens/Strengthens a Marriage CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jer 8:10 says, “I will give their wives unto others…”  So, there must be some reasons in this passage that the marriages were dissolved.  We can find here and in other places some key problems. Your marriages are weakened...

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The Mother of Jesus

Luke 1: 26- 47 The Mother of Jesus Christ. CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What sort of woman did God choose to be the mother of his Son?  Be that kind of mother if you want to be the best you can be.  She was: A Virgin – v.27 – she kept...

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Trust in Him

Psalm 2:12 Trust in Him CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The last part of Ps 2:12 says, “Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.”  And truly, we need to trust in him. A fellow from Harrisburg, PA, called us to ask us to pray for his daughter who...

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The Lord’s Government

Isaiah 33: 17-22 The Lord’s Government CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  Text: Is 33:22 – In our government we have three branches: the judicial, the legislative, and the executive.  And these are separate in order to maintain a balance of power.  In God’s there are three branches, as well, and yet these...

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