Weighed Down with a Load of Care

Matt 11:28-29 How To Deal With Stress CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I don’t recall a time when I have seen myself, so many of you and so many of my friends weighed down with such a load of care.  We have to be able to function with this load without getting...

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Saul’s Sons, 1 Sam 14:49

1 Sam 14:49 Saul’s Sons CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson is about Saul’s sons.  Saul had more than the three sons that are named here.  He had: Jonathan – 1 Sam 31:2, 1 Chr 10:2 Ishui – also called Abinadab 1 Chr 8:33,9:39 Melchishua – 1 Sam 31:2 Ishbosheth –...

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Matthew 27:34-36 Sitting Down They Watched Him There CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I have seen some pretty remarkable things as a spectator.  But spectators just sit and watch; they don’t do anything to participate or win the game.  The day Jesus was crucified, there were a bunch of spectators there who...

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The Christian Walk 1 Thes. 4:1-12

1 Thes 4:1-12 Christian Walk CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The old question is, “Does your walk match your talk?”  And the old saying is, “Your walk talks more than your talk talks!”  This passage addresses your walk and sets some parameters for a good walk.  In essence, if the Lord is...

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My Father Hath Troubled the Land, 1 Sam 14:15-46

1 Sam 14:15-46 My Father Hath Troubled the Land CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are some remarkable evidences that Jonathan’s statement that he made about his father in v.29 is absolutely true.  Not only did he trouble the land by putting a curse on any soldier who would eat during the...

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Followship, 1 Sam 14:6-14

1 Sam 14:6-14 Followship CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Followship is a word that we coined for this radio broadcast.  Christians love fellowship, but what we really need today is “followship.”  That’s the ability to follow the lead of a good man in the ministry.  The world knows all about peer pressure...

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Christian Warfare

1 Tim 1:18, 6:12 Christian Warfare CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Lord’s work we are likened to laborers, fishermen, shepherds, etc. and here we are likened to soldiers.  Paul said that we are soldiers in 2 Tim 2:3-4.  He said that he fought a good fight in 2 Tim 4:7. ...

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The Heart of a Minister 1 Thes. 3:1-13

1 Thes 3:1-13 The Difference Between A Minister & A Soul Winner CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Thes 3:1-13 , this lesson could be called “The difference between a Minister and a  Soul Winner.”  A minister takes a far more personal interest in the souls with whom he deals than...

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Liberality Get It Out Of Your Hands

Ecc 11:1-6 Get It Out of Your Hands CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There is a common thread in these verses and it deals with one topic manifested in two ways.  There is something to eat in your hands (bread) [or something that yields something to eat (seed)] and you have to...

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Military Advantages of the Philistines, 1 Sam 13-17-23

1 Sam 13:17-23 Military Advantages of the Philistines CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage we find some definite military advantages that the Philistines had.  They are: Superior Troop Strength – 13:5 versus 13:15 – Israel was severely outnumbered and this was a tremendous advantage for the Philistines. Logistics – v.17-18...

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