Why is the number 13 such a bad number?

When men universally do or say certain things, they often don’t realize that there is a Biblical reason why they do the things they do and say the things that they say. It is typical for high-rise buildings to skip the 13th floor, for instance. That is not a mere...

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Judgment of the Great Whore Rev. 17:1-18

 The Beast Revelation 17, 1-18  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO As we saw last week, the great whore is the Roman Catholic Church.  There are numerous evidences of her whoredom, some of which are the following: ·         Worldwide influence – v.1 and v.15 peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues pictured as many...

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Can you lose your salvation?

No, once you have trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you cannot lose your salvation. We realize that there are verses in the Bible that clearly support this answer and that there are other verses that seem to teach otherwise. So, we’ll look at what actually happens when...

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