The Unjust Knoweth No Shame, Zeph 3:1-7

The Unjust Knoweth No Shame Zeph. 3:1-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Zeph 3:1-7 the Lord knows that the princes, judges, priests and prophets know better than to pollute themselves and the sanctuary and the city the way they have – but to chasten them he cut them off and wasted...

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The Purpose of the Parable, Ps 78:1-8

Asaph wrote Ps 78 to recount God’s dealings with Israel in the Exodus, the wilderness journey, and their establishment in the land of Canaan.  However, he wrote that this Psalm is a parable, Ps 78:2.  That’s because this history doctrinally applies to the Second Advent of Jesus.  That’s the purpose...

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Enoch Never Died, Gen 5:21-24

We’ve been studying some of the types in the Old Testament.  We saw that Adam is a foreshadowing of Jesus Christ.  Cain is a type of the nation of Israel and Abel a type of Jesus Christ.  Enoch is a type of the New Testament Christian who is alive and...

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Is there any Profit?

Is there any Profit Ecclesiastes 1:2-3 The book of Ecclesiastes is an interesting book in the Bible. The wisest man that ever lived wrote this book, but we must remember that it was written from the viewpoint of man. In this lesson we are going to look at the first...

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The Sword of the Lord, Zeph 2:12-15

Sword of My Lord Zeph. 2:12-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Text: Zeph 2:12-15.  The Lord has a sword and with it he has slain nations and he will slay nations – when God wields his sword there is not a living being that can defend himself against the Lord. He can...

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For their Pride, Zeph 2:8-11

For Their Pride Zeph 2:8-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Text: Zeph 2:8-11.  God’s words show us that Jesus is going to rule and that the Jews are his chosen people.  Due to pride, many don’t believe these truths.  Well they are true and, therefore, God’s promise to Abraham is still true....

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How To Have Peace With God

Peace with God is one of the most desirable characteristics of your relationship with God.  But surprisingly a lot of Christians don’t enjoy peace with God.  Either they don’t know about it or they don’t know how to get it.  Today we’ll show you about it and show you how...

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Gaza Shall Be Forsaken, Zeph 2:4-7

Gaza Shall Be Forsaken Zeph. 2:4-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Lots of attention has been given to the Gaza strip because this is where the Jews evacuated in order to let the “Palestinians” establish a place and to encourage peace in the Middle East.  But, according to this prophecy, this land is...

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Ye Shall Be Hid, Zeph 2:1-3

Ye Shall Be Hid Zeph. 2:1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO At the Second Advent, the Lord is coming back in flaming fire and he is going to devour the “chaff” of the earth.  The Jews must be hid to survive his coming.  Before he comes, he begins to pour out his...

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