Matthew 5:21-26 The Sixth Commandment

Matt 5:21-26 The Sixth Commandment CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO After Jesus said that he had not come to destroy the law but to fulfill it, he began to interpret a couple of the commandments. In this lesson, we will study what he said about the sixth commandment: Thou shalt not kill...

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Matthew 5:17-20 Righteousness and the Law

Matt 5:17-20 Righteousness and the Law CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus turns the attention of his disciples to the subject of the law and righteousness. In Jesus’ ministry he dealt with several things concerning the law. He dealt with: The fulfillment of the law – v.17 Some folks got the idea...

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Matthew 5:14-16 The Light of the World

Matt 5:14-16 The Light of the World CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This passage is one of the unique passages in the Sermon on the Mount that has dual application to the Jews and to the Church. The Sermon on the Mount is doctrinally to the Jews. However, because Christians are also...

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Matthew 5:13 Ye are the Salt of the Earth

Matt 5:13 Ye are the Salt of the Earth CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Most preachers that teach on this verse apply it to Christians. However, this verse does not apply to the Church, it doctrinally applies to Israel. When teachers apply it to Christians, they say things like, “Salt keeps meat...

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Matthew 5:1-12 The Blessed continued

Matthew 5:1-12 The Blessed continued CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO During Jesus’ ministry, he preached to the Jews their gospel of the kingdom, Matt 4:23. Matthew 5 through Matthew 7 is Jesus’ teaching on their conduct under this gospel. He was not preaching to Christians. While there is no real doctrinal application...

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Matthew 5:1-7 The Blessed

Matthew 5:1-7 The Blessed CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO During Jesus’ ministry, he preached to the Jews about their gospel of the kingdom, Matt 4:23. This passage, from Matthew 5 to Matthew 7, is Jesus’ teaching on their conduct under this gospel. He was not preaching to Christians, so there is no...

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Matthew 4:23-25 The Healing Ministry of Jesus

Matt 4:23-25 The Healing Ministry of Jesus CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus preached the gospel of the kingdom while he was in Galilee. The gospel of the kingdom concerned getting a Jewish king on the throne of David who would lead the Jews to become the ruling nation of the world...

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Matthew 4:17-22 Discipleship

Matt 4:17-22 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage, we find some of the basic, and yet most profound, aspects of discipleship. A disciple is a follower who has learned to believe in the truth of the doctrine of his teacher. Therefore, in discipleship, we should expect to find a similarity...

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