Genesis 12:10-20 Abram Journeys to Egypt

Genesis 12:10-20 Abram Journeys to Egypt CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson, we see how: A famine drove Abram out of Canaan into Egypt; Abram lied out of fear to protect himself; The devil attempted to mess up the “seed;” God blessed Abram in spite of his sin; God...

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Genesis 12:1-9 Abram’s Journey to Canaan

Genesis 12:1-9 Abram’s Journey to Canaan CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson, we find that God gave Abram a charge to leave his own country and go to a land that he would give Abram and his descendants for an inheritance.  Abram obeyed God’s charge to leave, but he...

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Genesis 11:10-32 From Shem to Abraham

  Just when you thought you could get away from genealogies, here comes Shem and his descendants.  But before you get sleepy on us, there are some things in his line that you should know.  You should notice the substantial decrease in life spans with each successive generation, the overlapping...

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Genesis 11:10-32 From Shem to Abram

Genesis 11:10-32 From Shem to AbramCLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO   Just when you thought you could get away from genealogies, here comes Shem and his descendants.  But before you get sleepy on us, there are some things in his line that you should know.  You should notice the substantial decrease...

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Genesis 10:8-12, 11:1-9 Nimrod’s Kingdom

We first read about Nimrod in Gen. 10:8-12.  He was a descendant of Ham.  There are a number of characteristics of Nimrod that make him a perfect type of the Antichrist.  From these characteristics, we glean a better understanding of Nimrod and his kingdom.   Nimrod’s name means “Rebel” and...

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Genesis 9:18-29 The Origin of Nations

Genesis 9:18-29 The Origin of Nations CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson we will study the origin of nations, the effects of drunkenness, the first act of sodomy, and prophecies concerning three major nationalities in the world.  This is one of those “sensitive” areas in the scriptures that scholars...

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Genesis 9:17 Applying the Covenants

The study of the major covenants helps you to better understand the scriptures (2 Tim. 3:16 – scripture is profitable for doctrine, first).  The doctrinal or prophetic application of some verses would be obscure without knowing the right divisions in the Bible.  In this lesson, we will study several passages...

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Genesis 9:8-17 The Covenants

In the Bible, you are told to “Study … rightly dividing the word of truth,” (2 Tim.2:15).  Of course, you can find one division between the Old Testament and the New Testament.  But it wouldn’t take a great deal of study to see that division.  So, there must be other...

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Genesis 9:1-7 Blood and Capital Punishment

Genesis 9:1-7 Blood and Capital Punishment CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson we will see the similarities between Noah and Adam, since both of them began to populate the earth after a catastrophic flood.  We will also see the prohibition on drinking blood, although meat can be eaten.  We...

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Genesis 8:13-22 Out of the Ark

Genesis 8:13-22 Out of the Ark CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson, we will see why Noah stayed in the ark 56 days after the earth was dry.  We will also see the four seasons, the first altar built to God, the limitation on future curses and the true...

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