Modern Bibles Remove Verses, Matt 6:13

Modern Bibles Remove Verses Matt. 6:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Modern Bibles remove verses.  These are examples of verses missing from the NIV. They are representative of other modern Bibles, although they might not all have the identical verses missing. NIV MISSING VERSES (P = partially missing). Matt. 6:13 (p);...

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The Feet of Grasshoppers, Lev 11:20-23

The Legs of Grasshoppers Lev. 11:20-23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The question of how many feet grasshoppers have concerns Lev 11:20-23.  The question is raised by skeptics who do not believe that the Bible is scientifically accurate and inerrant.  In fact, with a little study, it can be seen that the...

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Prepare, Prov 30:25

Ants prepare their meat in the summer.  See Prov 6:6-8, as well. Gaining wisdom from ants, you should likewise: Prepare yourself unto every good work – 2 Tim 2:21.  Do what Paul says in 2 Tim 2:19-23.  Purge yourself from these.  You should depart from iniquity, become a vessel of...

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After the Flesh or After the Spirit, Rom 8:1-14

In Rom 8:1-14, Paul discusses the differences between walking, minding, and living after the flesh or after the Spirit. Walk after the flesh or after the Spirit, Rom 8:1-4. Rom 8:1, 4 to “walk after the flesh” concerns the way you walk.  Even after you’re saved, you can come into...

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Aged Women Teaching Younger Women

Titus 2:4-5 “That they may teach the young women” Introduction: In this passage, God gave the aged women a great responsibility to teach the younger women, to be a pattern of good works.  The aged women must teach the younger women by example and testimony. This implies that the aged...

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Adam and Jesus Compared

In this lesson, we will study the similarities and disparities between Adam and Jesus. Similarities Both sons of God.  Lk 3:38, Lk 1:35 Both have wives.  Gen 2:22-24, Eph 5:30-32 Both wives come forth from their flesh.  Gen 2:21-22, Eph 5:30 Both “die” to bring forth their wives. Gen 2:21,...

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The Love of God

The Love of God (2 Corinthians 13:14)  Paul closes his second letter to the Corinthians with a desire that the love of God would be with them. We hear a lot about the love of God and how saved people should love another. In this lesson we will look at...

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Honey of the Word, 1 Sam 14:24-29

1 Sam 14:24-29 The Honey of the Word CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When Jonathan tasted the honey in 1 Sam 14:24-29, his eyes were enlightened. That’s what happens when we read the Bible; honey is type of the word of God. Notice that, like honey: The words of God are sweet –...

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Prayer That Avails Much, Jas 5:16

James 5:16 says, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much”.  Tonight we want to talk about prayer that avails much.  Prayer that avails much must be: Prayer – “prayer”.  The reason many of us don’t accomplish much through prayer is that we are simply not praying.  James...

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