God knows Everything About Us

Introduction: God knows everything about us, and there is no need to hide anything from God. In today’s lesson, we want to see some things that God knows about us that often times we forget or try to hide from God. The purpose of this lesson is to remind us...

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Who Shall Declare His Generation? Is 53:8

The question asked in Is 53:8 implies that someone will declare the generation of Jesus.  Isaiah doesn’t ask “if” someone will declare his generation.  And he doesn’t ask who “will” declare, as if the Lord is trying to find someone to declare his generation.  The Lord asks who “shall” in...

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God’s Covenant with Abraham, Gen 12:1-7

Today we are studying God’s covenant with Abraham. Under this covenant, Abraham was promised a blessing (Gen 12:1-3), a seed (Gen 12:7), a nation (Gen 12:2), and a land grant (Gen 12:7; 15:18-21).  Furthermore, this covenant protected Abraham and his seed from those that would curse them (Gen 12:3). God’s...

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Naaman and Salvation, 2 Ki 5:1-16

Naaman and Salvation 2 Ki 5:1-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We find in Naaman some interesting truths concerning the simplicity of salvation through Jesus Christ.  Naaman was the captain of the host of the king of Syria.  The Lord used him to give deliverance to Syria.  But he was a...

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Guiding Principles in Positions of Authority, 1 Sam 12:3

1 Sam 12:1-5 Guiding Principles in Positions of Authority CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Sam 12:1-5, Samuel asked Israel to witness against him if he had abused his office before them in any way.  He asked several questions that reveal his guiding principles in his position of authority. He...

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God Leads Us Along

We know that God leads us.  But sometimes when we follow where God leads us, we can wind up in a mess.  What happens to us can be very different than what we expect. In Acts 16, God led Paul and Silas to Philippi in Macedonia, Acts 16:12.  While there,...

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Spiritual Circumcision

Spiritual Circumcision (Colossians 2:9-13)  In the study we are going to be looking at the subject of Spiritual Circumcision. This is one of the most important doctrines of Salvation. It not only shows us eternal security, but it explains why we can sin after we are saved and yet not...

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Jesus Christ Shall Intreat for Him, 1 Sam 2:25

 Who Shall Intreat For Him? 1 Sam 2:25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO 1 Sam 2:25 is a tremendous preaching verse.  Using the proceedings of a court to illustrate the problem that Eli’s sons are going to have with God, Eli implores them to repent of their wicked deeds.  And like so...

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The Christian Workman

  Ephesians 6:5-9  The Christian Workman is to Obey:  With Fear and Trembling– Vs 5 “with fear and trembling”. This is not a fear of our superiors. This is having a healthy fear of our “heavenly father” as we work for our “fleshly masters”. We respect our superiors because they...

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We Hold Our Peace, 2 Kings 7: 9

We Hold Our Peace 2 Kings 7: 9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When the lepers in 2 Kings 7 found that the Syrians had fled and left all their belongings outside of Samaria, they said, We do not well: this day is a day of good tidings, and we hold our...

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