Fret Not, Ps 37:1-9

Fret Not Ps.37:1-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Psalm 37 begins with a profound admonition, “Fret not.”  To fret means to cause to suffer emotional wear and tear: trouble persistently: vex, torment, worry, according to Webster’s dictionary.  We need to be reminded not to fret in times like these, because there seems...

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The Holy Spirit Witnesses, Acts 5:32

In Acts 5:32, Peter and the other apostles said, “we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him”.  Notice “so is also the Holy Ghost”.  The Holy Spirit witnesses.  Look at several other instances where the...

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God Gives You Up, Ps 81:12

God Gave Them Up Ps 81:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO One of the most tragic statements in the Bible is, God gave them up.  When God gives you up to something and leaves you alone to go after it, you are well nigh hopeless, at that point.  Notice the progression of...

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Inspiration, Job 32:8

Inspiration Job 32:8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What is inspiration?  Inspiration is God telling you what the scriptures say so that you can understand them. Many scholars have defined “inspiration” as God telling the authors what to write back when the original books and letters were written.  They’ll say, “We...

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Scripture Preservation, Ps 12:6-7

Scripture Preservation Ps.12:6-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Scripture Preservation is simply the fulfillment of the promise that God made in Ps 12:6-7.  Those verses say, “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.  Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou...

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The Slothful Man, Prov 26:13-15

The reason that we may not be getting the thing done that the Lord wants us to do is that we might be slothful.  You’ve seen a sloth before.  It moves so slowly that it appears, most of the time, to not be moving.  Solomon describes the slothful man in...

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The Gift of God, Jn 4:5-10

Some people haven’t received everlasting life as a gift of God from this well of water because: They don’t know the gift of God.  Jn 4:10 “If thou KNEWEST the gift of God”.  They don’t know what the gift is. It’s eternal life, v.14.  It is the answer to sin...

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Which Is Better, Ecc 7:1-6

In this lesson from Ecc 7:1-6, Solomon compares several things and asks, Which is better? Which is Better, a good name or precious ointment? A good name is better than precious ointment. A good name is longer lasting than the fragrance of the ointment.  The fragrance dissipates over time.  A...

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Training Children

Proverbs 22:6– “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Introduction: Parenting is not easy.  If you have children, you know that to be true. If you do not have children yet but you are hoping to...

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What To Do With The Word, Ps 119:9-16

What to Do With the Word Ps.119:9-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Ps 119 we find 22 sections identified by the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet.  Each section has 8 verses.  All but three of the 176 verses in this Psalm contain a reference to the words of God.  The...

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