Things That Are Better, Ecc 4:1-16

In Ecc 4:1-16, Solomon, by observation, shows us some things that are better under the sun. Ecc 4:1-3 In oppression, the dead are better than the living.  In countries where the people are oppressed, it is better to die than to keep living.  In North Korea, for example, the people...

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Salvation Simplified

Salvation Simplified  In this lesson we are going to deal with the Need of Salvation, the way of Salvation, and the knowledge of Salvation. This would be a good lesson for someone who is not sure of their salvation or someone who is sure that they are saved and wants...

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Church Attendance, Heb 10:25

Church Attendance Heb. 10:25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Why should I be concerned with church attendance?  Because God says so, for one thing. The Bible gives us clear instruction on the necessity for church attendance.  The following are some of the most important reasons for attending a good church. For...

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A Good Church

A Good Local Church CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What should I look for in a good church?  To organize the answer to this question practically, we have divided the answer into several sub-questions that you can ask concerning any church you visit or attend.  These questions and answers are not intended...

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Faith Love and Hope, 1 Thes 5:8

According to 1 Thes 5:5 we who are saved are children of the day, we are children of light.  We are not children of the night, children of darkness.  We were in darkness before we were saved, but now we are in his marvelous light, Acts 26:18; 1 Pet 2:9. ...

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A Garden Inclosed, Song 4:12

The Song of Solomon pictures the relationship between Jesus Christ and his bride, the church. In Song 4:12, Solomon refers to his wife as a garden inclosed.  Therefore, as Christians, we can be likened to a garden inclosed.  This picture gives us some very interesting insights into our lives.  Our...

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Rebuild Your Wall, Neh 1:6

Rebuild Your Wall Neh. 1:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you have no rule over your own spirit, you are like a city that is broken down and without walls [Prov 25:28].  You must rebuild your wall. Many of us have seen our lives like a broken down city and...

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Justification by Faith and Works, Jas 2:18-26

Justification by Faith and Works Jas 2:18-26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If justification is by faith then what is justification by faith and works in James 2 about?  It’s about Tribulation saints. Christians often use James 2:18-26 to prove that you must do something to show that you are saved and...

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Hedge of Protection

Hedge of Protection Job 1:1-12   This famous passage is that of God and Satan discussing Job. God speaks of Job’s character in verse 1. We are shown Job’s character in verse 5. Satan claims that this comes from the “hedge” or blessing that God has put on his house...

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