Enoch Walked With God, Gen 5:21-24

One common problem with long people straying from the Lord is that they have no personal walk with God.  Well, Enoch walked with God and look how well things turned out for him.  Looking at Gen 5:22-24, we notice some things about a walk with God that should be apparent...

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Using the Mind of Christ, 1 Cor 2:16

According to 1 Cor 2:16, we have the mind of Christ.  This is true of all who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior.  However, many Christians who have the mind of Christ are not using his mind.  They are still thinking with their own natural mind. Are you still...

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The Work That God Maketh, Ecc 3:11-15

The work that God maketh: The work that God maketh is made beautiful in his time Ecc 3:11 God hath made everything beautiful in his time.  The original creation was very good, Gen 1:31.  And there are many beautiful sights in creation today even after the fall.  The Rockies, Grand...

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Identifying Your Spiritual Gift(s)

Introduction: We’ve been studying a series regarding the Gifts of the Sprit. Last week we went through the gifts of the Spirit found in Romans 12 to learn a little bit about each one, to see what they are and how they may manifest themselves in the lives of the...

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The Disciples Were Called Christians, Acts 11:26

The Disciples Were Called Christians Acts 11:26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Today it seems like everyone who is not a Muslim or a Jew or an atheist refers to himself as a Christian.  It is an acceptable or even desirable title.  Yet the word Christian is a Bible word, and so...

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Dealing With Opposition, Prov 25:9

Dealing With Opposition Prov. 25:9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible gives us clear instructions on how to deal with opposition.  You never know, when you first start to point out a scriptural problem, whether the individual is going to receive correction or not.  So when you begin to deal with...

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Living Fountains of Water, Rev 7:17

The great multitude in Rev 7:9, which came out of great tribulation, Rev 7:14, had hungered and thirsted and been scorched by the sun while they were on earth, Rev 7:16; 16:8-9.  But in heaven, the Lamb shall feed them, and shall lead them to living fountains of waters, Rev...

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Treasure in Earthen Vessels, 2 Cor 4:7

Because we are saved, Christ is in us [Col 1:27] and we are in Christ [1 Cor 12:13].  We have Jesus Christ and eternal life in us.  Thus, according to our text in 2 Cor 4:7, we have this treasure in earthen vessels.  We must be reminded, then, that our...

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Five Excuses For Not Turning, Prov 1:22-23

There is an amazingly generous offer in Prov 1:22-23.  Wisdom offers to the simple, to scorners, and to fools to “pour out my spirit unto you,” and to “make known my words unto you.”  God makes this offer, not to the righteous, but to fools and scorners.  The offer is...

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Lasciviousness, Mark 7:22

Lasciviousness: Referenced – the word appears six times in the Bible: Mk 7:22; Gal 5:19; Eph 4:19; 1 Pet 4:3; 2 Cor 12:21; and Jude 4. Defined – “Lascivious” = preoccupied with or exhibiting lustful desires; wanton, lewd; tending to produce voluptuous emotions.  Wanton = undisciplined, unrestrained, hence, loose, free; deviating from the...

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