Rejoice Evermore, 1 Thes 5:16

Paul’s specific instruction to Christians in 1 Thes 5:16 is that we “Rejoice evermore.”  Now I, certainly, have not obeyed this command all the time and I’m pretty sure that you haven’t either.  One reason is that we haven’t been doing the things that cause Christians to rejoice.    There...

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We Must Fast and Pray, Dan 9

I sense the need and direction from the Lord to fast and pray as a church.  When people fast and pray in the Bible, God gives them: Discernment – Dan 9:3, 22.  God gave Daniel skill and understanding and the ability to discern the ultimate significance of the prophecy given...

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Calling and Election, 2 Pet 1:1-10

In 2 Pet 1:1-10 Peter exhorted us to making your calling and election sure.  There are certain important aspects of our calling and election that we will not discuss today.  Instead, we will concentrate primarily on the main one, your salvation. When you are saved you can be sure you...

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Seasons and Times, Ecc 3:1-8

In Ecc 3:1-8 Solomon wrote about seasons and times under the heaven.  In Ecc 3:1, he said, “To everything there is a season”.  There are four seasons of the year on the calendar.  And then we have the seasons of life, hurricane season, mating seasons, hunting seasons, sports seasons, and...

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Things That Endure Forever

Things That Endure Forever 1 Peter 1:23-25 The word of God is said to live forever and to endure forever in this passage. But it in comparison we see that man and his glory fades like the grass. This gives us two important thoughts for our lesson. First we must...

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Who Will Go? Is 6:8

In the history of the Church, God has used certain men in a big way to get his work done.  He used Peter to preach to thousands.  He was the apostle to the Circumcision.  God used Paul to preach to thousands. He was the apostle to the Uncircumcision.   In...

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We are Strangers, 1 Pet 2:11

According to 1 Pet 2:11, you and I are strangers and pilgrims in the earth.  When you live your life for Christ [Phil 1:21], when you are not conformed to this world, but transformed by the renewing of your mind [Rom 12:2], when you abstain from fleshly lusts [1 Pet...

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A Faithful Man Shall Abound With Blessings

We have preached many times on the need to be faithful.  Today, we want to preach from Prov 28:20, that “a faithful man shall abound with blessings”. Faithful is defined as “firm in adherence to the truth and to the duties of religion.  Firmly adhering to duty; of true fidelity;...

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Good Music, Job 38:6-7

Good Music Job 38:6-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Is there good music in the Bible?  Yes! In the Bible, you find two different “lines” of music, throughout.  Good music comes from the Lord and bad music comes from the devil.  In the prior broadcast, we studied the “bad” line of music...

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Bad Music, Ezek 28:13

Bad Music Ezek. 28:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Is there really bad music in the Bible?  Yes. In the Bible, you find two different “lines” of music, throughout.  One line comes from the Lord even before creation and it continues all the way out into eternity.  The other line comes...

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