
Giving is a very important aspect of the Christian life.  Unfortunately, the doctrine of giving is often taught by preachers who profit personally from the increased giving of their congregations.  Thus, there is as much bad teaching, if not more, on the subject as there is good teaching.  Giving to...

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The Local Church

When we study the doctrine of the Local Church, it is very important that we distinguish between the Church which is the Lord’s body and a local assembly of believers called a church.  They are not the same thing and they should never be confused. Every person who is saved...

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The Rapture

While you do not find the word “rapture” in the Bible, you certainly find the doctrine of the rapture.  The rapture is the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to receive his children saved in the church age.  He comes to get his body, the church [Col 1:18, Eph 1:22-23]...

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Your Enemy the Devil

We have been studying our three worst enemies.  Two weeks ago we studied the world.  Last week we studied the flesh.  This week we are going to study the devil. The devil is the enemy of God and God’s people – he goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom...

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Your Enemy the Flesh

We are studying our three worst enemies.  Last week we studied the world and this week we are going to study the flesh.  Next week we are going to study the devil.  For a Christian, the ultimate problem with the flesh is that it lusts against the Spirit [Gal 5:17]. ...

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Your Enemy the World

Your three worst enemies in the Christian Life are the world [Jas 4:4], the flesh [Gal 5:17], and the devil [1 Pet 5:8].  There is so much to know about these enemies that we will take three lessons to study them carefully. Today we will study the world The world...

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Judgment Seat of Christ

The Judgment Seat of Christ is one of the greatest doctrines in the Bible to get you to serve the Lord after you get saved. That’s because most Christians don’t know about this judgment that all Christians will face right after the rapture. This is the Lord’s judgment of our...

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The Holy Spirit

We are going to study the work of the Holy Spirit in several parts. First, we will look at everything the Holy Spirit does for you in regards to salvation. Before you are saved, the Holy Spirit convicts you of your need to be saved. According to Jn 16:7-11, he...

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We are told in the Bible in Jas 5:16b, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” So, we ought to recognize the great power of prayer and utilize it to its fullest. Effectual prayer is prayer that gets an answer. Fervent prayer is earnest prayer, importunate prayer...

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