Six Things Saved People Should Do Matt. 4:4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO
What should I do now that I’m saved? There are six things saved people should do.
One of the hardest times in your Christian life is right after you get saved. Your enemies fight hard to keep you from growing up in the grace and knowledge of the Lord.
- Your flesh doesn’t want you to give up any of the sins that Jesus paid for.
- The world wants you to still conform to its worldly standards.
- And the devil is mad because he just lost another one of his children.
Combined, these enemies make it very difficult for you to get off to a good start as a Christian unless you do the six things saved people should do.
Read the King James Bible daily. One of the first books of the Bible to read is the gospel of John. It really strengthens your life of faith in Jesus. After that, you can read 1 Thessalonians, because it really encourages you about the return of your Savior, Jesus Christ. When he comes back, all of life’s problems are solved forever!! Then you should read the entire New Testament and after that you should read the Old Testament. Then just keep reading the Bible over and over again. Never stop!! (Matt 4:4, Isaiah 34:16, Acts 17:11, Psalm 119:11)
Attend a Bible preaching, Bible believing church faithfully. Christians cannot grow outside of good Bible preaching and teaching. There are many churches today, but sadly many do not believe and preach the Bible. You can tell right away what the church thinks about the Bible by how many people bring their Bibles to church. Introduce yourself to the pastor. Let him know that you have just received Jesus Christ as your Savior. Tell him that you want him to help you grow as a Christian. Tell him that you want to be baptized publicly by immersion to profess your faith in Jesus Christ. (Hebrews 10:25, Acts 2:42, 2 Timothy 2:2-4)
Pray to God in the name of Jesus. Talk to the Lord about everything. Pray for your family, pray for others, pray to confess your sins, pray to thank God for his goodness to you, pray for strength, pray for wisdom, and pray for God’s will in your life. Like Jesus said, “Men ought always to pray, and not to faint,” (Luke 18:1). And Paul said, “Pray without ceasing,” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). You will derive a greater sense of peace from prayer than from anything else (Philippians 4:6-7).
Tell others that you are saved. Jesus wants us to be witnesses for him. A witness tells what he knows. And since you know enough about Jesus to know that he saved you, you can testify to others of that fact. You can learn some Bible verses to help them see their need of Jesus. Plus, one thing is for sure, when you are telling others about Jesus, it makes it harder for you to go back and do the things with them that you were doing before you received Jesus Christ as your Savior. (Acts 1:8, Mark 16:15, James 5:20).
Grow in your knowledge of God. Many Christians are content to know that they are saved and leave it at that. You want to really get to know God by walking with him and yielding to his work in your life. See how he views life, the world, you and the things you do and think about. Learn from him. Become like him by spending time with him. (2 Pet 3:18).
Depart from iniquity. When the Lord shows you things in your life that are sin, leave these things alone. By the grace of God and by the power of the word of God and the Spirit of God turn away from iniquities in your life. These sins are hindering your walk with the Lord. (2 Tim 3:19).
Conclusion: now these are the six things saved people should do. If you will concentrate on doing these things right after you get saved, you will find that you can keep doing them all the way until Jesus comes or until you go home to be with him. These are principles by which you can live every day of your eternal life on earth.