Soul Winning Lesson #6

Soul Winning #6 Bro. Randy Knupple CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

What are some different plans of Salvation?


Salvation is not in a Plan; Salvation is in a Man.

  • Matt. 1:21“…he shall save his people from their sins”
  • Luke 19:11“For the Son of  man is come to seek and to save that which was lost”
  • Matt 9:38“Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.”

Pros and Cons of sticking to a plan

  • Pros –
  1. Organized method to a desired result.
  2. Allows you to stay on topic through distractions.
  3. Provides a witness to leave with them.
  • Cons –
  1. Easily refined into a sales pitch (1 Cor. 2:1-5).
  2. Easily disregards Leadership of the Holy Spirit.
  3. Easily causes discouragement when souls don’t get saved right away.


What should be included in your P.L.A.N.S.?

  • P

Prayer – Remember it is Spiritual work (Lesson #5)

Preparation – Clean Vessel, Scripture Memory (Jn.14:26)

  • L

Lead in –A question, survey, circumstances, or natural opening

Listen – To them and the Spirit of God

Learn – 2 Tim.2:15,3:14-17, & 1 Peter 3:15

  • A

Access- You must go looking for it.

  • N

Necessities – you must deal with:

Words of God – Scripture (Heb.4:12)

Sin – wages and results of – They must know they’re lost first.

Gospel – free but in no way cheap

Jesus Christ the Saviour

  • S

Salvation – Desired result if accomplished by the Spirit of God

Seed Sown- Some plant, some water, (1 Cor. 3:6)

Sanctification –  Assurance and Encouragement


Assorted Plans

Chick Publications – Chick Tracts

Specific Religious and Cult Tracts

Jesus Saves, God’s Plan for the Ages Tract

The Romans Road

Steve Andres Public Ministries

Our Blue Tract & Our Church Tract

Marked New Testaments