The Sovereignty of God, Is 40:12-28

The Sovereignty of God Is 40:12-28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

This message on the sovereignty of God is not about Calvinism.  This message is about God’s sovereignty in other matters besides salvation.  Certainly, he is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.  There are those who are saved because he saved them when they called upon his name [Rom 10:13] and there are those who are lost [Rev 20:15].  However, once you are saved it is important that you remember that God is sovereign in all matters.

God is sovereign in Creation – Is 40:12-28 – he made everything you see [Heb 11:2] and everything that you don’t see [Col1:16-17].  If it weren’t for him keeping everything together, it would just disintegrate.  The heavens and the earth are here until the day of God, at which time the Lord will melt the elements with a fervent heat and make a new heavens and a new earth [2 Pet 3:10-13].

God is sovereign in Nature – Ps 104:5-14 – The Lord oversees everything in nature and takes care of everything that’s in it.  He even feeds the birds [Matt 6:26], all of them.  Rom 8:20-22 shows us that nature groans for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ at which time all nature will be at peace under his kingdom [Is 11].  Nature isn’t crying out to the environmentalists and the scientists.  The Lord controls everything; they don’t.  He controls the sun and the moon [Jos 10:13], he controls the wind, the rain [Matt 5:45] and everything else.

God is sovereign in Time – Matt 24:36 – the Lord has a clock set for every major event that takes place. These things don’t happen until the day and the hour that the Lord determines.  Jesus will return precisely when the Lord says.  The four angels in the Euphrates will be loosed in the particular year and month on the specific day and at the precise hour that the Lord has decided [Rev 9:15].  The Jews left Egypt on the exact day of God’s choosing.

God is sovereign in Government – Prov 21:1 – the kings of the earth do what he wants even when they think that they are doing what they want.  He is over governments [Rom 13:1-4].  Without Him there would be no government.  Even the bad kings are there to fulfill his purposes [Rom 9:17] although they may be working for the devil [Lk 4:5-6].

God is sovereign in your Life – Rom 9:20-21 – he is the potter and you are the clay.  He makes one to hear and another deaf, one to see and another blind, one to speak and another dumb.  And all of this is for his glory and to manifest his works [Jn 9:1-3].  That is clearly why we must trust him [Prov 3:5-6].  That is why we are to quit worrying and fretting about the future [Matt 6:34].  He is in charge and you and I can trust him with everything we have.  You have already trusted him with your eternity.  Certainly you can trust him with you life.