Studies From Romans Lesson #3; What does the Law do for us?

Studies From Romans

Lesson #3: What does the Law do for Us? (Romans 2-3)

 In Romans chapters 2-3 we learn that both the Jew and the Gentile are under a law of some sort. The Gentile who followed the law even without knowing was under his conscience (Romans 2:14-15), and the Jews that had the Law were under the Law (Romans 2:17-29).

The Jews may have thought that they were better off than the Gentiles because they had the Law, but Paul sums it up in Romans 3:9-20. Note some of the things said in that passage?

  • There is none righteous (verse 10)
  • None that understandeth (verse 11)
  • None that seeketh after God (verse11)
  • None that doeth good (verse 12)
  • Throat is an open sepulchre (verse 13)
  • Poison of asp under their lips (verse 13)
  • Feet swift to shed blood (verse 15)
  • Destruction and misery are in their ways (verse 16)
  • They do not know the way of peace (verse 17)
  • There is no fear of God before their eyes (verse 18)

Why was the Law given?

 In verse 19 we see that the Law was given so that all the world may become guilty before God. The problem with the law was that no one could live without sinning, the law shows us sin (Romans 7:7). Also, if you broke one part of the Law you were guilty of the whole law (James 2:10).

From these things we see that the Law was given to show us our sin and reveal to us that we have a problem that only God can solve. The problem was solved by Jesus Christ, and we will cover that in detail in the next lesson.

What does it mean to come short of the glory of God?

 In Romans 3:23 the word of God says that all have sinned, but then it says, “and come short of the glory of God”. It is the last part that people have trouble with. Most people will admit that they have sinned, but they have trouble believing that their sin or sins will keep them out of heaven. They think that if their good outweighs their bad then they can still make it. That is why Romans 3:23 is so important.

To come short of the glory of God means to miss the mark. If you are shooting at a target with a gun, it does not matter if you miss by an inch or by a mile a miss is a miss. You may get closer than someone else, but you still missed. You may basically be a good person, but one little sin causes you to miss the mark. This is why works cannot get you to heaven in the church age. You must have the righteousness of God (Romans 3:21-28 ; Romans 10:1-4 ; Philippians 3:7-9).

The solution to sin is Jesus Christ and this was another purpose of the Law, it is a schoolmaster to bring us to Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:22-29).


Studies From Romans

Lesson #3: What does the Law do for Us? (Romans 2-3)


 1)  What is the general consensus of chapters 2 and 3?


2)  Why was the law given?


3)  What is the problem with the Law?


4)  What does it mean to come short of the glory of God?