Intercessory Prayer III, 1Sam 12:23

1 Sam 12:23 Intercessory Prayer III CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Intercessory prayer can be very difficult because it is for others and not for ourselves and so we don’t have the same urgency when we approach the throne of grace on their behalf.  Furthermore, there are some other problems: Forgetfulness –...

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Intercessory Prayer II, 1 Sam 12:23

1 Sam 12:23 Intercessory Prayer II CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Continuing with the last lesson that we taught on intercessory prayer, there are many good things for which you can pray for others.  You can pray for their health, their families, their marriages, their finances, their jobs, their testimony, and their...

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Intercessory Prayer, 1 Sam 12:23

1 Sam 12:23 Intercessory Prayer CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Intercessory prayer is such an important aspect of our Christian lives, but it is also probably one of the most neglected.  We all need to be encouraged to pray more for each other and for the lost.  Notice: The Holy Spirit intercedes...

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Honey of the Word, 1 Sam 14:24-29

1 Sam 14:24-29 The Honey of the Word CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When Jonathan tasted the honey in 1 Sam 14:24-29, his eyes were enlightened. That’s what happens when we read the Bible; honey is type of the word of God. Notice that, like honey: The words of God are sweet –...

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David’s Character, 1 Sam 16:18

1 Sam 16:18 David’s Character CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage of scripture, we see some of David’s traits that reveal the composition and depth of his character.  David was: An Astute Man – cunning in playing.  It is more than talent that gave David the ability to play...

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Lessons from David and Goliath, 1 Sam 17:34-54

1 Sam 17:34-54 Lessons from David and Goliath CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The historical account of David and Goliath is well known.  So, we won’t retell it.  However, there are some fabulous lessons from this account and we will elaborate on those. Smaller trials prepare you for tougher battles – 1...

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David and Jonathan, 1 Sam 18:1-4

1 Sam 18:1-4 David and Jonathan CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When Jonathan saw David he knew right away that David was a man much like himself. He was brave and courageous in battle and unafraid to just go and get something done [like Jonathan did with the 1,000 men who destroyed...

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Jesus Christ Shall Intreat for Him, 1 Sam 2:25

 Who Shall Intreat For Him? 1 Sam 2:25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO 1 Sam 2:25 is a tremendous preaching verse.  Using the proceedings of a court to illustrate the problem that Eli’s sons are going to have with God, Eli implores them to repent of their wicked deeds.  And like so...

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Why Israel Lost, 1 Sam 4:1-11

1 Sam 4:1-11 Why Israel Lost CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO After all the victories Israel had in its history up to now, it might surprise you that they lost to the Philistines so convincingly and particularly since they had the ark with them when they lost.  But there are some...

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Favor with the Lord Versus Favor with Men, 1 Sam 2:26

1 Sam 2:26 Favor With the Lord CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO 1 Sam 2:26 says that Samuel was in favour both with the Lord and also with men.  This is a very important verse of scripture with very important implications for us.  The brief outline of this very important broadcast...

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