Daniel Purposed in His Heart, Dan 1:8

Daniel Purposed in His Heart Dan.1:8  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Daniel 1:8 says, “Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might...

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A Baby or a Blob, Is 49:1

A Baby or a Blob Is 49:1  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The question after conception and before birth is whether your child is a baby or a blob.  The Bible says it’s a baby. When a woman is pregnant, the Bible says and we say, she is a “woman with...

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Is Abortion Wrong?

Yes, abortion is wrong. The courts have decided that abortion is legal. However, just because a thing is legal or customary does not mean that it is RIGHT. For instance, Ahaz and Manasseh, kings of Judah, made their children pass through the fire, which was the custom of the heathen in Canaan (2...

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