Obedience of Abraham Gen. 12

Obedience to Abraham Gen. 12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Today we are going to examine the obedience of Abraham in three different episodes in his life.  You’re going to see the hard choices he faced when commanded to obey God and you are also going to see the growth of his...

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Matthew 1:1 The Generation of Jesus

Matt 1:1 The Generation of Jesus CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When Matthew opened his gospel, he introduced Jesus as the son of David and  the son of Abraham. God made covenants with both Abraham and David that will ultimately be fulfilled in Jesus Christ. That’s why Mathew shows Jesus’ line through these...

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Genesis 26:6-35 Isaac’s Troubles in Gerar

Genesis 26:6-35 Isaac’s Troubles in Gerar CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO He Stayed Too Long, v. 6 When God told Isaac to dwell in Gerar, he told him to “sojourn.”  To sojourn means to stay as a temporary resident.  To dwell means to live, reside, inhabit or occupy as a place...

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Genesis 26:1-5 Providence in Isaac’s Life in the Famine

In this lesson, we will see how God moved Isaac in a famine, restricted him from going into Egypt, confirmed that the Jewish land grant would include the land of the Philistines, and reaffirmed the blessing on his seed.  Each of these subjects gives us excellent doctrinal material to study....

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Genesis 25 Abraham’s Family Tree

  In this lesson, we will study about Abraham’s other children from Keturah, Ishmael’s children, and Isaac’s children.  We will see where these children settled.  Then we will study, briefly, the types of christians that Esau and Jacob represent.  Finally, we will learn what happens to the soul at death....

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Genesis 24 Isaac’s Marriage

Genesis:24 Isaac’s Marriage CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This history of Abraham’s servant going to get a bride for Isaac is more than just a factual history concerning the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah.  It also pictures the Holy Spirit’s work in getting a bride for the Lord Jesus Christ.  Abraham’s...

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Genesis 22:15-23:20 The Blessing of Abraham

  Following the temptation of Abraham, the angel of the Lord spoke to Abraham and blessed him.  Of particular interest are two things that the angel said to Abraham: 1. that his seed would possess the gate of his enemies; and 2. that in his seed all the nations of...

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Genesis 22:14 Jehovah-jireh

Genesis 22:14 Jehovah-jireh CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO After Abraham had completed his test, God provided a ram for Abraham to sacrifice instead of Isaac.  God had literally provided a lamb for the burnt offering, just the way Abraham had promised Isaac that He would (Genesis 22:8).  As a result of...

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Genesis 22:1-14 Abraham’s Test

  It seems to us an odd thing that God would ask Abraham to sacrifice Isaac.  However, as we have seen, God accomplished some great things with this.  He gave a perfect picture of God’s sacrifice of Jesus for our sins (Hebrews 10: 10-14).  He also put Abraham through a...

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Genesis 21:22-34 Abraham’s Covenant with Abimelech

Genesis 21:22-34 Abraham’s Covenant with Abimelech CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson, we will study some interesting truths concerning the following four facts: 1) Abraham’s considerable material wealth; 2) Abraham’s covenant with Abimelech; 3) Abraham’s well; and, 4) Abraham’s grove.   Abraham’s Wealth (21:22) In the Old Testament, the...

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