What about Predestination?

What about Predestination? Ephesians 1:3-14 In this lesson we will focus on the word predestination. It is only used four times in a King James Bible but yet there is a lot of controversy concerning this word. As we will see by looking at the context and getting a proper...

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Biblical Predestination, Rom 8:29

Biblical Predestination Rom 8:29 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You have to check the context of every verse dealing with predestination to see what the verse is referring to.  Those who believe that we are predestined to salvation believe that you must be born again BEFORE you can believe on the Lord...

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Waiting for the Adoption

Waiting for the Adoption  Paul uses the word adoption 5 times in the word of God. For many this is simply connected with being in the family of God. But the question is if we are born spiritually into the family of God then why do we need to be...

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Spiritual Blessings, Eph 1:1-14

Our lesson today is from Eph 1:1-14.  In Eph 1:3, God “hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.”  These spiritual blessings are: OUR HOLINESS. We will be holy and without blame before him in love – Eph 1:4 – this is the choice that God...

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We Cry Abba Father, Rom 8:14-16

When we were saved, God became our Father. We cry Abba Father. We are born as children of God. And as his children, God has desires for us, just like earthy fathers have desires for their children. Our Father desires fellowship – 1 Jn 1:3-7 – our Father loves to...

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Doctrines of Salvation Lesson #6 Adoption

Doctrines of Salvation Lesson #6 Adoption In this lesson we are going to be studying the subject of Adoption. Now for many this is simply connected with being adopted into the family of God at salvation. But the question arises, if we are born again as sons of God, which...

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Who Hath Blessed Us

Who Hath Blessed Us Eph. 1:2-14 The apostle Paul describes how that God hath blessed us. Because we are now in Christ, there are spiritual blessings that we all are to take part in. Adoption, redemption, and our inheritance are the headings that these blessings fall under. Adoption [Verses 4-6]...

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Spiritual Blessings, Eph 1:1-14

Our lesson today is from Eph 1:1-14.  In Eph 1:3, God “hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.”  These spiritual blessings are: We will be holy and without blame before him in love – Eph 1:4 – this is the choice that God made before...

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Salvation Series Lesson #8 Adoption

Salvation Series : Lesson #8 Adoption In this lesson we are going to be studying the subject of Adoption. Now for many this is simply connected with being adopted into the family of God in connection with being born again. But the question then becomes if we are born again...

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