The Bed Undefiled Heb. 13:1-4

The Bed Undefiled Heb. 13:1-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The marriage bed is undefiled.  Those of us who are in the church are to be undefiled [SOS 5:2; 2 Cor 11:2]. But notice these instances of people being defiled.  We can tell what undefiled is by studying what defiles a person. ...

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The Sons of Eli 1 Sam. 2:12-25

1 Sam 2:12-25 The Sons of Eli CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Sam 2:12-25, the sons of Eli were wicked priests.  Unfortunately, they are not unlike many men who are in the ministry today.  These young men totally abused their authority in the ministry and corrupted Israel in the process. ...

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The Women in Proverbs, Prov 2:16

The Women in Proverbs Prov. 2:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are thirteen different women in Proverbs.  Of these, 9 are bad women and 4 are good women.  According to these numbers, as a general rule, then, there are about twice as many bad women as there are good.  We will...

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The Basest of Men Dan. 4:17

The Basest of Men Dan. 4:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You often wonder why the rulers of the various countries of the world do the terrible things that they do.  The reason that rulers often do wicked things is that they are the basest of men.  In Dan 4:17 we read, “…...

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Isaiah 57:1-21 Jewish Idolatry

Jewish Idolatry Is. 57: 1-21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Isaiah 57 is predominately about Jewish Idolatry. Concerning Jewish Idolatry we see: The roots of their idolatry – sorcery [v.3; 2 Chr 33:6], adultery [v.3; Ezek 23:37], transgression [v.4], falsehood [v.4], fear [v.11] and covetousness [v.17; Col 3:5; Jer 44:15-17]. The deeds...

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Lessons from David and Bathsheba

2 Samuel 11-12 In this lesson we are going to see several truths from the account of David and Bathsheba in regards to sin, cover up of sin, consequences of sin, forgiveness, restoration, and future glorification. Staying out of the fight will get you into trouble 2 Samuel 11:1 …the...

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Abomination Prov. 15: 9

Abominable Wickedness Prov. 15: 9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The way of the wicked [Hollywood, worldliness, cheating, covetousness, etc.] is an abomination unto the Lord – today we are going to look at some things that the Lord specifically states are abominable to him – avoid these things like the plague...

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Harlotry Proverbs 7: 1-27

Harlotry Prov. 7: 1-27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Prov 7 does a thorough job of clearly defining and describing harlotry.  You aren’t going to like the description because many who do not consider themselves harlots are described here.  Before examining the text you need to understand that a woman who gives...

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Don’t Commit Adultery Proverbs 6: 24-35

Don’t Commit Adultery Prov. 6: 24-35 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You’re listening to me today and your thoughts are on another woman besides your wife.  You know what you’re thinking about is wrong but there is a certain allurement and temptation in your heart and in her eyes and mannerisms...

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The Strange Woman Proverbs 5: 1-23

The Strange Woman Prov. 5:1-23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You have to watch out for her. With her you end up with: Bitter end – v.4-5 – (divorce, misery, trouble, contention) death (disease, dissipation, murder – two-timing and getting caught by the other man), hell Shame and trouble – v.9 – honor...

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