The Right Response to Afflictions 1 Pet 5:5-10

The Right Response to Afflictions  1 Peter 5:9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Many of us are going through or have gone through afflictions.  Notice in 1 Pet 5:9 the mention of the afflictions that are accomplished in your brethren.  In 1 Pet 5:5-10 we find the right response to afflictions. Humble...

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Look Past the Problem II Cor. 4:17-18

Look Past the Problem II Cor. 4:17-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you face a problem, a trial, affliction or suffering, look past the problem; don’t look at it.  We have said before, “Gaze at the Savior and glance at the problem.”  But we must add that you can’t get stuck...

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My Dearly Beloved Son II Tim. 1:1-12

My Dearly Beloved Son II Tim. 1:1-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul considered Timothy his son.  Paul didn’t have one.  Their relationship was as close as a father to a son.  When Paul speaks of the faith of Timothy’s mother and grandmother [1:5] it appears that his father wasn’t saved.  So...

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Missions Preaching Acts 14:1-7

Missions Preaching Acts 14:1-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Missions preaching is a lesson about what men should do and what they can expect when they go to the mission field.  The text is about Paul and Barnabas in Iconium.  Notice: Their method. Both together, Acts 14:1.  This is the formula that...

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Rejoice in the Lord Hab. 3:12-16

Rejoice in the Lord Hab. 3:12-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Habakkuk 3:17-19 says, I will rejoice in the Lord.  This rejoicing is done in spite of the fact that all the crops and animals have failed.  Listen to the audio of this sermon…

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Return to God Amos 4:6

Return to God Amos 4:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Israel had forsaken the Lord for their idols.  And so the Lord brought trouble to them to get them to repent and return to God.  He brought them hunger from a lack of food, yet they did not return to God [Amos...

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The Best Question II Chron. 33: 11

The Best Question II Chron. 33: 11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you go through affliction one of the first questions that comes to mind is, “Why?”  That’s not a good question.  You wouldn’t like the answer.  You would argue with God about it.  He’s not going to explain it to...

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Handling Affliction Ps. 119:50

Handling Affliction Ps. 119:50 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Affliction is something that causes pain or suffering.  Handling affliction can be very tough.  So we are looking in the Bible for understanding on how to handle it.  You and I are to handle affliction: With The Bible – Ps 119:50 – one...

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